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Maybe the most significant film for Will Smith is...

Does "Bad Boys: Ride or Die" see Will Smith back in theaters and potentially restoring fans' trust after the Oscars' controversial moment?

Cops Mike Lowrey (Will Smith, l.) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) have to get together for the...
Cops Mike Lowrey (Will Smith, l.) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) have to get together for the fourth time.

"Dangerous Duo: Committed to Mayhem" - Maybe the most significant film for Will Smith is...

Will Smith, at 55 years old, has achieved incredible success in his acting career – fighting alien invasions, taking on heavyweight boxers, battling zombies, and even portraying a quirky superhero. Over the course of three decades, from his debut in "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" in 1990 up to his Oscar-winning role in "King Richard" in 2021, he seemed untouchable. Even with missteps like "Wild Wild West," Hollywood was quick to forgive. However, all of this changed on March 28, 2022, during the Oscars.

This night, instead of being his ultimate triumph, winning his first Oscar, turned out to be his most humiliating downfall. After comedian Chris Rock joked about his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith's, hair, Smith retaliated with a slap, putting the spotlight on him rather than the actual stars of the night and potentially even ending his career.

"Bad Boys: Ride or Die" – A Make-or-Break Moment?

The stakes for "Bad Boys: Ride or Die," releasing in theaters on June 5, couldn't be higher. This film is not about revolutionizing cinema or making groundbreaking statements. It's simply an action film: Cops Mike Lowrey (Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence, 59) are back, uncovering police corruption, and are then targeted by the hunters.

For Will Smith, "Ride or Die" is more than just a screenplay; it's a reality. He's riding or dying for success. Will the return of the much-loved franchise help Smith regain his footing in Hollywood, or will a lackluster box office performance bury his comeback for good?

Packed Schedule

While there's no chance of a scheduling drought for the star, he is also listed as a producer for three of the four upcoming films he's starring in. So, is there still faith in Will Smith's production company, or just in Will Smith himself?

"I Am Legend 2," a sequel to his post-apocalyptic film, is one of them. So is a remake of the comedy "A Ticket for Two" alongside Kevin Hart. There are also two gangster thrillers called "Fast and Loose" and "The Council" on the calendar.

If Smith's popularity has waned, the failure of any of these projects could forever dash his hopes for a comeback. Not to forget the potential impact on Hollywood; it's been over a decade since superhero films have dominated the big screen, and recent underperforming action films suggest an increasing fatigue from audiences. And this could be more true for Will Smith.

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