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Marianne Rosenberg: Requires Bravery to Alter the Music Industry

Marianne Rosenberg found success as a child, but others made decisions about her art back then. Today, female singers have more control, she states. However, certain aspects still need to be amended.

As a young girl, it was always her dream to work independently, says 69-year-old Marianne Rosenberg...
As a young girl, it was always her dream to work independently, says 69-year-old Marianne Rosenberg today.

Artist undergoes vocal cord surgery. - Marianne Rosenberg: Requires Bravery to Alter the Music Industry

Throughout her long-lasting career, Marianne Rosenberg notices an improvement in the opportunities for female singers, especially in contemporary genres like hip-hop, where young women confidently create their own songs and control their creative process. "We've come a long way from the days when older men used to write our stories," Rosenberg shared in an interview with the German Press Agency.

When reflecting on her own journey, the 69-year-old singer emphasized her goal of working independently early on. "Back then, I decided I didn't want men who were ten years my senior dictating the narratives in my songs. And here I am today." While women are now able to have more autonomy in their careers, Rosenberg points out an aspect that remains unchanged: "Men still largely occupy the top-tier positions in the music industry."

At the same time, Rosenberg notices a growing challenge for upcoming artists to thrive in the music scene. "The speed at which everyone is changing nowadays is overwhelming. These young artists are placed on and removed from the spotlight so quickly. If their music doesn't create an immediate impact, they're replaced. That doesn't show much respect for the art of music," Rosenberg observed.

Born in West Berlin, Rosenberg first found success in the 1970s as a young girl. Her latest record, "Bunter Planet," was recently released. To effect meaningful change, according to Rosenberg, is not without its obstacles. "You need the courage to take risks and even make mistakes. It's about exploring artistic avenues, entertainment that resonates with our emotions and sensations." Perseverance is also crucial to maintain faith in your craft.

Read also:

  1. Marianne Rosenberg, a prominent figure in the German music scene, hails from West Berlin.
  2. Despite the improved opportunities for women in music, particularly in genres like hip-hop, men still dominate the top-tier positions in the German music industry.
  3. Rosenberg's latest album, "Bunter Planet," has recently been released, showcasing her continued influence in the German music scene.
  4. In a music store in Berlin, people were seen browsing through albums, with Rosenberg's work among their selections.
  5. A woman, presumably a fan, was spotted holding a CD of Marianne Rosenberg, expressing her admiration for the resilient and influential German singer.



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