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Makeup resulted in a chaotic situation.

Differing makeup in a kissing scene between Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio caused issues during filming of "Titanic".

Not as easy as it looks: Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio in "Titanic".
Not as easy as it looks: Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio in "Titanic".

Kate Winslet discusses her kiss with DiCaprio in "Titanic" - Makeup resulted in a chaotic situation.

Kate Winslet (48) remembers filming the famous "I'm flying" scene with Leonardo DiCaprio (49) in Titanic with a fair share of chaos and challenges. During an interview with Vanity Fair, she humorously revealed that the on-screen romance wasn't as perfect as it seemed.

She described the iconic scene where her character Rose kisses DiCaprio's Jack as a whole lot messier than fans might imagine. "Wow, what a romantic, right? No wonder every young girl wanted to be kissed by Leonardo DiCaprio," she jokingly remarked and continued. "It wasn't like that."

It Was a Big Mess

Reflecting on the shooting process, Winslet shared that they were constantly kissing each other, and she had to go through makeup checks between takes. "And at the end, I felt like I'd eaten a caramel lollipop after each take since Leo's makeup would land on me," she said. "As a result, DiCaprio appeared to have a piece of his face missing."

The actress also described the filming of this specific scene as a "nightmare" since they had issues with the lighting and the location was difficult for the makeup team to access. They also had to shoot several takes because Winslet kept hitting her knee against the railing.

Makeup Tools Concealed in Her Dress

"Leo couldn't stop laughing, and we had to repeat the takes several times because Cameron wanted a specific light, but it kept changing," Winslet explained. "This part of the ship was not actually part of the set we had; we had to climb a ladder just to reach it." The makeup and hair experts had not joined them on set. Therefore, the tools required to refresh their makeup were hidden in different parts of her dress. "And between takes, I basically redid our makeup," she added with a laugh.

Despite all the challenges, it was worth the trouble for Winslet. The 1997 film went on to achieve massive success and won eleven Oscars, including for best picture.

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