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Lugner's sixth matrimonial union: both called "yes" from the bridal couple.

Vienna-based building contractor Richard Lugner (91) films his every action, even his sixth wedding, with a film crew present. Not shy to share details, he also talks about his wedding night.

Entrepreneur Richard Lugner kisses Simone Reiländer at their wedding ceremony in Vienna City Hall.
Entrepreneur Richard Lugner kisses Simone Reiländer at their wedding ceremony in Vienna City Hall.

Bridal Celebration - Lugner's sixth matrimonial union: both called "yes" from the bridal couple.

Richard Lugner, at 91 years old, is an esteemed figure in the Austrian celebrity scene, and he relishes every moment of it. To capture his sixth marriage from all angles, he invited 20 camera and photo personnel to a room in the Vienna registry office. His bride, Simone Reilaender (42), the deputy manager of a DIY store, also joined the ceremony, wiping away a few tears as she said "yes." Lugner and his new bride were the center of attention for interviews before, during, and after the ceremony, with news portals even coining it "The Wedding of the Year."

Lugner and Trump: Parallels

Richard Lugner made his fortune in the construction industry, being dubbed "Cement." He understood the importance of visibility in a not-so-glamorous business early on by always having beautiful women by his side. Similar to Donald Trump, who is 14 years younger and has less experience, Lugner even suggested his presidential candidacy back in 1998 but was unsuccessful.

Lugner and Celebrity

The entrepreneur has no qualms about showcasing his fame by inviting celebrities from around the world to the Vienna Opera Ball, always paying for the seats next to him. Lugner's royal treatment in the media extends from the preview to the live stream and post-event highlights. This year, it was Priscilla Presley (79), a former wife of Elvis Presley, who graced his side.

Lugner and His Wedding Night

Despite being 91, Lugner has a shopping center in Vienna that bears his name. With this constant media exposure, he is also open to playing along with the most clichéd photo scenarios. Posing in a suit, he shared details about their wedding bed in the rented honeymoon suite, stating, "I have a suite with two bedrooms - necessary because I snore." However, before heading to their separate bedrooms, Lugner "smirked mischievously," hinting at other plans. The couple left the party at 19.16, accompanied by cameras, but only up to the door.

Reilaender and Dresden

Lugner's new wife, often referred to as "Bee" after traditional nicknames like Mausi, Spatzi, and Hasi for his previous five wives, doesn't like this moniker, he revealed. Respecting her wishes, she is to take on a leading role in his shopping center this summer. But she is still working in the DIY store, hence a short trip to Dresden and Leipzig was planned instead of a honeymoon, and she has to return to work on Tuesday.

Lugner on Happiness

Lugner remains uninterested in the fanfare surrounding his life. "Happiness is a bit overrated. For me, satisfaction is the norm. My whole life has been satisified," he stated in one of the dozen interviews he gave. He firmly maintained, "This will be the last marriage."

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