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Low unveils Göttze's scheme during the 2014 World Cup finale.

Goal victory corresponds to "our estimate"

Soon-to-be goalscorer Götze and national coach Löw in the 2014 World Cup final.
Soon-to-be goalscorer Götze and national coach Löw in the 2014 World Cup final.

Low unveils Göttze's scheme during the 2014 World Cup finale.

Ten years ago, Germany's football team emerged triumphant from the World Cup finals, defeating Argentina. Joachim Löw, the former coach, has now shared his insights into how Mario Götze's game-winning goal came about and the strategy behind it.

During the 2014 World Cup held in Rio de Janeiro, with the clock ticking past 113 minutes, the world erupted in cheers as Götze scored the goal for Germany. It was one of the many right decisions made by Löw. He revealed the process behind the decision as the team and staff gathered for a reunion, invited by the DFB (German Football Association), on

In the run-up to the final on July 13th, 2014, Löw had to make a choice. Should Götze start the game, or did Klose possess the necessary skills to garner victory? Löw explained that he favored Klose since: "We knew that the opponents' defenders would be under constant pressure if Miro [Klose] takes the field. They would have to work extra hard and it would affect their minds."

Klose, a force to be reckoned with, would have required at least two defenders each, which would have weighed on the Argentinian team's strength and nerves. Löw calculated, "The idea was: 'And then Mario [Götze] comes on fresh, only to encounter exhausted opponents who need to adjust to his style.'"

Götze was subbed in during the 88th minute, stealing the show with his stunning goal in extra time. Löw described it as "a masterpiece" and "incredibly challenging, a goal only a select few footballers can achieve. Mario was one such person."

After securing their ultimate victory, Löw felt worn out but could appreciate the accomplishment fully. "As for breakfast, the atmosphere was truly magical. We were relishing the moment of victory, unforgettable and intimate; it was a pleasure to share these incredibly intense experiences with the players. The sensation of being world champions will forever be entwined in our lives."

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