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Kvarachelia's happiest day: Georgia celebrates European Championship party

Georgia pull off the biggest surprise of the European Championship so far. The newcomers are in the round of 16, not least thanks to their best-known professional. A billionaire promises an extraordinary bonus.

Georgia's Khvisha Kvarachelia celebrates the surprising 1:0 against Portugal.
Georgia's Khvisha Kvarachelia celebrates the surprising 1:0 against Portugal.

European Football Championship - Kvarachelia's happiest day: Georgia celebrates European Championship party

After the historic entry into the quarterfinals, Georgian football hero Chwischa Kwaratschelia fulfilled his next dream right away. Proudly, the match-winner in the 2:0 victory against Portugal spoke about his personal lucky moments with idol Cristiano Ronaldo.

"I have a Ronaldo jersey. I got it", said the scorer of the first Georgian win in EM history and smiled. "He wished me luck before the game. That meant a lot to me. I never thought he would come to me and speak with me."

Kwaratschelia praised Ronaldo as a great personality and great player. However, on the pitch, he himself put on the great show, not Ronaldo. Kwaratschelia and his teammates gave their country an unforgettable party night.

"We're not worse than others"

In the capital Tiflis (Tbilissi), the people celebrated with car caravans and danced on the streets. Fans spontaneously lit fireworks. Deputies cheered the EM success in the Georgian parliament at the beginning of their session with songs and state flags. Many of them wore National Team jerseys. Millionaire Bidsina Iwanischwili promised the team a bonus of 30 Million Lari (around 10 Million Euro).

The players let their joy run free in the interview zone of the Gelsenkirchen EM Arena. "It's the happiest day of my life", said Kwaratschelia. Looking at the team spirit between the players, the coaching team around head coach Willy Sagnol, and the fans, he added: "We showed that we can all work together. We're not worse than others."

"Kwaradona" shines, but the team plays it clean

Kwaratschelia showed impressively why he is the big star of the Georgian team. For the first time at this tournament, the professional from SSC Napoli hinted at why in Italy he is called "Kwaradona" in reference to the great Diego Maradona.

The 23-year-old used the first Georgian chance directly to take the lead. The offensive player was often only stoppable by a foul or in combination play from Portugal's B-team. He was involved in almost every Georgian attack. Kwaratschelia provided relief for the Georgian defense with his actions and dribblings.

The award for "Player of the Match" went to him deservedly. However, Kwaratschelia emphasized: "There was no individually best player. It was a team performance. It doesn't matter who plays with whom, because we go onto the field as a team to win."

Everyone fights and runs for each other in the Georgian team. Besides Kwaratschelia, striker Georges Mikautadze, who scored again from the penalty spot and leads the scoring list with three goals, and goalkeeper Giorgi Mamardaschwili stand out in the EM debut.

Georgia also an outsider in the quarterfinals

In the quarterfinals, title candidate Spain (21.00 Uhr/ARD and MagentaTV) awaits on Sunday in Cologne. Like in Group F, where Georgian team managed to qualify as one of the best third-placed teams, Sagnol's team is a clear outsider.

"Spain might be the best team of the group phase", said the former Bayern professional. "It will be a huge challenge for us - maybe too big? I don't know, but we will fight until the last minute."

Courageous performances at the EM, especially the surprising win against Portugal, boost the morale of its most important player, Kwaratschelia. "Even if there's only a one percent chance, one can make it if one believes in it," he said. "We've shown that."

  1. Chwischa Kwaratschelia, having advanced to the Round of 16, immediately chased his next dream by reminiscing about his interactions with football icon Cristiano Ronaldo.
  2. Kwaratschelia, the scorer in Georgia's first-ever EM victory against Portugal, shared a heartwarming anecdote about Ronaldo wishing him luck before the game.
  3. The emotional Georgian player expressed his joy by revealing his possession of a Ronaldo jersey, a memento he cherished deeply.
  4. In a historic occasion for Georgian football, the nation celebrated their EM success in Tbilisi, with car caravans, street dancing, and spontaneous firework lighting.
  5. Lawmaker Bidsina Iwanischwili, a millionaire, promised a generous bonus of 30 Million Lari (approximately 10 Million Euro) to the triumphant National Team.
  6. Kwaratschelia, reflecting on the team's remarkable unity and chemistry, fondly recalled the camaraderie between teammates, coaching staff, and supporters in Gelsenkirchen.
  7. As the Round of 16 approached, the young Georgian star, Kwaratschelia, displayed an unwavering optimism, acknowledging that even against formidable opponents like Spain, a team with a strong belief in their abilities could create chances and emerge victorious.

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