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Katy Karrenbauer shares her experience post-surgery.

Determination: Mild cerebrovascular incident

Some time ago, the actress herself helped a father on the street by performing resuscitation.
Some time ago, the actress herself helped a father on the street by performing resuscitation.

Katy Karrenbauer shares her experience post-surgery.

Actress Katy Karrenbauer checks in from the hospital with an Instagram video, expressing gratitude and easing her fans' worries. Due to the notable scar on her neck, she is making proactive efforts to clarify the situation.

Actress Katy Karrenbauer, known for her role on RTL's "Hinter Gittern - the Women's Prison," is currently in the hospital due to a necessary procedure. During a recent Instagram update, she disclosed her reason for the hospital visit: a light stroke.

Before this announcement, Karrenbauer had been frequently posting on her account without discussing the issue. In her recent video message, she finally confirmed the details and detailed her recent experiences.

Overlooking the indications of a stroke initially

As shown in the video, her neck was wrapped in a large bandage and she appeared visibly worn out. She commented, "My operation has been underway for 48 hours now. I was at the intensive care unit until yesterday. Last week on Tuesday, I could not move my hand or arm. My first thought: Could this have been a stroke?"

In the interview, she described how she first disregarded this idea. Due to her father's hospital visit on the same day, she consulted with the doctors about her symptoms. "I went to my vein doctor and eventually to a hospital. At first, I hesitated and later went to the emergency room."

After undergoing a lengthy appointment, she discovered that she had experienced a mild stroke and required surgery immediately. Karrenbauer then shared, "The operation has gone well with no major issues. Now, I have a lengthy scar and will need to be operated on again on the other side of my neck. However, the physicians told me the chances of making a full recovery are quite high."

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After her recovery, Katy Karrenbauer plans to return to her beloved role on RTL's "Hinter Gittern - the Women's Prison," demonstrating her resilience and dedication to her passionate work in TV entertainment. Despite the physical changes following her stroke and surgery, Karrenbauer remains optimistic about her future and shares her determination with her followers on her social media platforms, using hashtags like #StrokeSurvivor and #RTLTV.

