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Katerina Jacob has beaten breast cancer

Chemotherapy worked

"I feel incredibly energetic," says
"I feel incredibly energetic," says

Katerina Jacob has beaten breast cancer

Actress Katerina Jacob is careful. To make sure her breast cancer doesn't come back, she scans herself every two days. In the meantime, however, she assumes that she is "completely healthy". And she hopes that her medical history will help others.

More than a year after her last chemotherapy treatment, Katerina Jacob is looking positively to the future. In an interview with the magazine "Bunte", which visited the actress, who has breast cancer, in the run-up to Christmas, Jacob shares some happy news: "I'm completely healthy." A good year after her last chemotherapy treatment, she is now also rid of her port catheter. The fact that the permanent venous access has now been removed was very important for her recovery process: "Also so that I can close my mind."

This is not always common after cancer, and some people leave the port in just to be on the safe side. Jacob, however, preferred to get rid of the "foreign body". After all, there is no guarantee that the cancer will come back after three or eight years. She was also traumatized by the insertion of the port. "It normally takes 30 minutes, but in my case it took over an hour and by then the anesthetic had worn off. I was completely aware of the stitching. I sang with the doctor in the operating room to distract myself," says the 65-year-old.

Apart from discolored nails due to the chemotherapy and a little more weight, she is now "better than before". Although she checks herself every two days and goes for check-ups more often than before, she says: "I feel incredibly energetic." Those around her seem to be much more worried about her: "As soon as I say 'ouch', someone wants to drag me to the doctor. My husband is desperately looking for preventative measures."

She hopes that she can help other breast cancer patients through her medical history. "I have suffered so that others might have to suffer a little less. If just one or two women have gone for screening because of my story and have been saved as a result, it will have been worth it," says Katerina Jacob.

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Despite her medical victories, Katerina Jacob remains vigilant. She continues to participate in breast cancer awareness events in the entertainment industry, using her story to inspire others fighting the disease.

In an attempt to put her cancer behind her, Jacob also enjoys attending theater shows and concerts, immersing herself in the joy and distraction of live entertainment.




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