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Insights on the scar from the "Harry Potter" series.

During a meeting in Cardiff, Prince William decided to address the scar on his forehead for the first time in a while.

Prince William has a small scar on his temple that dates back to his childhood.
Prince William has a small scar on his temple that dates back to his childhood.

Prince William Makes Announcement - Insights on the scar from the "Harry Potter" series.

A few days ago, Prince William (41) made a joke about his scar similar to Harry Potter's while in Cardiff for a visit. The British "BBC" reported that he was speaking with companies and organizations employing the advantages of algae for their products.

Not a fan of golf anymore

At Cardiff Metropolitan University, William shared an incident where he was hit by a golf club as a kid. Exhibiting the scar above his left eye, he added that he's never played the sport since then.

The mishap happened in 1991 when he was just 8 years old and boarding at school in Berkshire. While tagging along with a friend, William was struck by the friend's club. The injury led to his hospitalization at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading, and he's had the mark ever since that mimics the same scar on the protagonist of J.K. Rowling's (58) famous Harry Potter series.

William doesn't often bring up this topic, but on June 11th, Pierre Paslier from Notpla, a start-up, revealed a conversation with the prince in an interview with People magazine. When Paslier suggested William preferred golf, he pointed to his scar, saying "No golf for me." Notpla creates packaging out of seaweed for large British sporting and music events and has been given the Earthshot environmental prize that Prince William started.

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