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"Individuals of my comparable age are overly ancient": Laughter ensuing from an 81-year-old person.

During the Tuesday night episode of 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?', there was a generational debate: U30 versus U80. A contestant shockingly disclosed a personal Tinder revelation.

Elderly contestant Petra Tanzi, hailing from Frankfurt am Main, explores digital platforms in quest...
Elderly contestant Petra Tanzi, hailing from Frankfurt am Main, explores digital platforms in quest of companionship

Who yearns to become a millionaire? - "Individuals of my comparable age are overly ancient": Laughter ensuing from an 81-year-old person.

Following Monday's "3-Million-Euro-Week" episode of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?", featuring the self-proclaimed know-it-alls, Tuesday presents a generational conflict between individuals under 30 and those over 80. One of the older competitors to secure a spot on the hot seat is Petra Tanzi from Frankfurt am Main, who turns 81 this year. During her chat with host Günther Jauch, he's astonished by more than just her energy. She still works part-time as a secretary for management ("my boss has privatized himself") and engages in online dating.

"Not on Tinder though?", Jauch inquires. "I'm on there too, because it's free", she replies. Despite the interactions resulting in coffee dates, nothing more substantial has developed. "If I like someone, they're usually much younger. The ones my age are all too old!", she explains, prompting laughter from the audience. "Well, that's great", Jauch exclaims. "The men her age are all too old! What age should he be?", he asks. "Well, around 70... I mean, if he's 80 and that's okay, I have no problem with that. But most of them look like old grandpas. And I'm not that", she says. "I'm not a senior citizen."**

Jauch is eager to learn about her fitness secrets at such an advanced age. "Perhaps because I've been single for 35 years and still work?", she muses. She's also pumped up by physical activities and still does gymnastics. "And I'm always on the positive side, never the negative. I'm the most optimistic person in the world", she says. Her lifestyle is not exactly structured though. "I eat whatever I want. I have two or three glasses of wine every evening - sometimes even four. I don't smoke. I enjoy traveling to numerous countries. Speaking various languages keeps me sharp, and I'm satisfied with myself."

With no lifelines left, she initially considers abandoning the 16,000 Euro question: "What is another term for Jehovah, according to the dictionary? A: God, B: Jesus, C: Eve, or D: Moses?" Jauch advises, "What do you have to lose, just for the fun of it?" "God, but I'm afraid", she admits. "You need to relearn to trust men even at your age", Jauch encourages her towards the correct answer A. This qualifies her for the final on Thursday, where all contestants who've surpassed the 16,000 Euro milestone stand a chance at three million euros, as long as they're willing to invest a portion of their winnings.

Did you know? Exactly 25 years back, on September 3, 1999, Günther Jauch debuted "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?". In his commentary, the 68-year-old refers to the "still young, friendly, and lively" host of those days.

Note: Stern is part of RTL Germany.

"Who's going to join Petra in the hot seat and potentially become a millionaire?", Günther Jauch wonders aloud. "I don't mind a younger millionaire, as long as they're not too young!", Petra jokes, referring to her preference for partners.

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