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In this scenario, the original figurehead subjects lions to experiences akin to human menstrual discomfort.

The premiere episode sparked thrill: Initially, lions endured menstrual discomfort, subsequently sealing the swiftest business transaction in record time.

Effective Resolution of Heat Core Issue: Innovator Carina Hader.
Effective Resolution of Heat Core Issue: Innovator Carina Hader.

- In this scenario, the original figurehead subjects lions to experiences akin to human menstrual discomfort.

For a decade, pioneers and innovators have been vying for the opportunity of a lifetime on VOX. Perfectly timed for the anniversary season of "The Lion's Den" (Mondays, 8:15 PM, on VOX or RTL+), Judith Williams (52) rejoins the team of investors. The lion's den is set to witness an extraordinary pitch. An entrepreneur attaches electrodes to the male lions' stomachs and secures the deal. The lions are equally electrified by a remarkable deal. A renowned journalist, however, stirs them up.

"Nayca's" Battle for Menstrual Pain Relief

Founder Carina Heidi Hader (35) specializes in aerospace engineering in Munich. Original Lion Judith Williams describes Carina as a "combination of tech and marketing talent." Her invention, "Nayca," is a foldable pad with a patented heating system, aiming to "alleviate the lives of millions of women" by easing period cramps. First, however, the male lions must experience menstrual pain. Carina quickly attaches period cramp simulators to Carsten Maschmeyer (65) and Tillman Schulz (34) - and strikes a chord. Judith Williams, Carsten Maschmeyer, and Janna Ensthaler (41) jump at the opportunity to secure the deal. "You've got it here!" Judith Williams offers 250,000 euros for 20% of the company shares. Carsten Maschmeyer counters with, "You can sense a stronger offer coming soon." Judith feels it as "a kick in the rear." After consulting with her father and business partner Bruno, Carina agrees to the deal with Maschmeyer and Ennsthaler, the dream lions.

Record-Breaking Deal for "topfi"

Love at first sight brought Annette (52) and Tomasz Makowski (50) together. They aim to recreate the same magic with their product in "The Lion's Den." In a 60-second presentation, the couple introduces their pot lid holder "topfi." Simply attached to the pot or pan edge, it serves as a resting place for the lid during cooking. The inventor couple expects a million inquiries for "topfis." They ask for 100,000 euros for 20% of their company. Will there also be a record-breaking deal? Ralf Dümmel (57) promptly turns the tables and interviews the couple. He confidently declares, "I'm the perfect lion when it comes to the topic of pots and pans. I'll pay you 100,000 euros and want 25%. Just say 'yes.'" And indeed, they do. Within minutes of entering the den, the deal with Ralf is made and "topfi" has a perfect lid.

"Ratzfatz" for Stress-Free Family Life

Luisa Schubert (36), Sarina Morawiak (35), and Maraike Höhne (34) from Berlin aim to introduce more relaxation into German family life with their organic children's ready meals. Their offer is 100,000 euros for 10% of the company shares in their brand "ratzfatz." The young customers love the "ratzfatz" range, but will there be a "ratzfatz" deal? Triple mother Janna Ennsthaler refuses to invest alone. Carsten Maschmeyer comes forth and offers 100,000 euros for 20% of the company, in tandem with Janna. After a secretive conversation, the founders' preferred lions, Janna and Tillman, form two separate teams - causing conflict. In the end, they choose to work with Nils Glagau (48) and Tillman Schultz on the market success of "ratzfatz."

Could Evelin Stem the Tie Revolution?

The traditional tie with a suit is becoming obsolete in business life. Its successor should be VUP, the unisex styling accessory developed by stylist Evelin Stefano (52) from Lake Zurich. VUP stands for "Very Unique People." Passionate and unique, Evelin presents her invention to the lions. Her internationally protected VUP can function as a tie alternative, scarf, pocket square, belt replacement, hairband, or scarf. Could Evelin inspire the tie revolution with the lions? Which lion is ready to back Evelin with 150,000 euros for 12% of her company shares? The lions embrace Evelin's refreshing approach, but not completely convinced by the product's revolutionary power. In the end, even Judith Williams, the force of energy within the lion's den, backs out. With applause from the lions, but without a deal, Evelin must return to Switzerland.**

This look tugs at everyone's heartstrings. Attorney Marc Ellerbrock (54), hailing from Markdorf, wants to revive chances for gamblers with his venture "Zockerhelden". With his goal to recover gaming losses from suspect online platforms, spanning up to a decade, he operates with no risk involved. He gains backing from legendary football commentator Werner Hansch (85). Once, Hansch was a common figure in football arenas, earning a high income. Despite his former status, he became one of the approximately 4.6 million gambling addicts in Germany. Struggling with a hoarse voice, he recounts his downfall following his retirement: losing 600,000 euros and his home, as well as friends and his deep-seated affection. "Retirement left me unprepared for the purpose dilemma. That's how my descent into gambling addiction commenced." The "Zockerhelden" strategy involves many unlicensed online sports bets until 2020, and online casino and poker bets until 2022. These offerings were illegal in Germany. The lionesses visibly tremble. Judith Williams, present since the first season, expresses: "This was by far the most emotional moment for me." Carsten Maschmeyer reflects upon his past and offers his assistance to the duo by proposing 125,000 euros for a 15% stake in "Zockerhelden". Dagmar Wöhrl (70) succumbs to his pitch, becoming his co-lioness. Hansch reflects on his deal: "This now fills the void of purpose I felt back then."

In the emotional pitch for "Zockerhelden," attorney Marc Ellerbrock shares his personal struggle with gambling addiction, which stemmed from his feelings of purposelessness in retirement. This heartwrenching story tugs at the affections of the lions, particularly Judith Williams, who finds it to be the most emotional moment she's experienced since the first season.

As the lions contemplate how they can support this cause, Carsten Maschmeyer reflects on his own past and offers his assistance, proposing 125,000 euros for a 15% stake in "Zockerhelden." His empathy and understanding of the issue resonate with the other lions, and Dagmar Wöhrl also becomes a co-lioness in this endeavor.

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