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In the show "Germany's Next Topmodel," Armin no longer participates.

Heidi Klum's "Germany's Next Topmodel" competition is approaching the final stages. Just before the semifinals, though, one of the frontrunners is eliminated.

Male model Armin was unable to convince Heidi Klum in the new "GNTM" episode.
Male model Armin was unable to convince Heidi Klum in the new "GNTM" episode.

Watching TV programs on a screen - In the show "Germany's Next Topmodel," Armin no longer participates.

Armin, the male model from Kempten in Allgau, failed to make it to the semi-finals of "Germany's Next Topmodel". The disappointing news came in the latest episode of the show, where the 27-year-old came up short. An emotional Heidi Klum expressed her surprise at the decision, saying, "I truly believed you'd be in the finals, which is why I'm so taken aback to tell you this now." She went on to add, "Unfortunately, I don't have a photo for you, Armin."

In the episode's photo shoot, the contestants were challenged to jump off bungee rigs while carrying swords. Armin was unsuccessful in impressing the judges, which included Thomas Hayo and Kristian Schuller. "There was no spark between us today," Thomas Hayo declared.

Armin was left reeling from the news. "It's like the dream I had been nurturing was pricked by a needle," he said, describing the heartbreak of his dashed hope for the Topmodel title. "Even though Heidi's last words hurt, I'll remember this experience as the most beautiful thing I've ever had." He tried to maintain his composure in the face of disappointment, saying, "Everyone has to go sometime."

The semi-finals, featuring nine candidates, will take place on June 11th at 8:15 pm on ProSieben. For the first time ever, the show will host its semi-finals on a Tuesday, and the live finale is scheduled for two days later. The participants left in the competition are Fabienne (21) from Solingen, Frieder (25) from Berlin, Grace (25) from Düsseldorf, Jermaine (20) from Kassel, Lea (24) from Düsseldorf, Linus (25) from Berlin, Xenia (24) from Hof, and the twins Julian and Luka (24) from Frankfurt am Main, who are counted as one candidate.

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