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In Madrid, Comedian Atze Schröder felt secluded.

Currently, isolation is a prominent issue in both politics and society. This issue also affects celebrities, including Atze Schröder. How did he experience it?

Comedian Atze Schröder talks about his experiences in Madrid.
Comedian Atze Schröder talks about his experiences in Madrid.

The group or community - In Madrid, Comedian Atze Schröder felt secluded.

A while back, comedian Atze Schröder experienced a spell of intense loneliness while taking a Spanish language course in Madrid. Initially, he claimed he didn't know much about feeling lonely, reflecting on his time there at a loneliness conference in the Düsseldorf State Chancellery. But as the weeks passed, he realized that he was incredibly isolated outside of class due to his limited language skills.

To combat this, Schröder (58) eventually hired a private language teacher and even joined him for a night out on the town. However, the tutor soon grew tired of the job and declined further payment for the lessons saying, "I don't need the money for this anymore."

Schröder believes even those with numerous professional contacts can find themselves feeling lonely when they remove their work attire. This topic had already been addressed by the cabaret artist alongside psychologist Leon Windscheid in their 2019 podcast called "Betreutes Fühlen."

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