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Hymns of praise for ski jumper Paschke: "Wild old hand"

Not Kraft, Wellinger or Granerud, but Pius Paschke wins the penultimate ski jumping event before the tour. The Bavarian is celebrated in Engelberg.

Ski jumper Pius Paschke won in Engelberg.
Ski jumper Pius Paschke won in Engelberg.

Victory in Engelberg - Hymns of praise for ski jumper Paschke: "Wild old hand"

The best ski jumper in the world at the moment had the right words at the ready. When the outstanding Stefan Kraft was asked out loud on the press podium whether he could say two sentences about Pius Paschke, the Austrian replied directly: "Wild, old hand. To come back from a very difficult time like that, respect."

Kraft finished third on the day in Engelberg, but this time it wasn't enough against the 33-year-old premiere winner from Kiefersfelden in Bavaria.

Round of beer for everyone

After the ski jumping coup and two jumps of 135 meters each, the Germans were in a party mood. Paschke himself announced a round of beer for everyone. His teammates, who had regularly outshone him over the years, were genuinely happy for the senior member of the team.

"Pius is simply a great guy. He's not only a highly talented athlete, but also a pleasant person. I'm really pleased that he's at the top for the first time. He's earned it and we'll drink to that," said Olympic champion Andreas Wellinger.

His own frustration at having dropped from first place to twelfth in difficult conditions had evaporated by then. Karl Geiger praised Paschke's stamina and fight. "To be rewarded with a win now is more than deserved," praised Geiger. With his victory, Paschke automatically moves into the narrow circle of favorites for the Four Hills Tournament, which begins on December 29 in Oberstdorf.

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