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"How do you use your beard in intimate encounters?"

Farmer searches for a global spouse.

Farmer Philipp and globetrotter Susanne don't always pull together.
Farmer Philipp and globetrotter Susanne don't always pull together.

"How do you use your beard in intimate encounters?"

The Farmers' Week has concluded, and Amor has accomplished his mission. Inka, together with her suitors, gazes into the glass globe to see where the love was truly successful and which farms are still seeking love.

The climax of the "Farmer Wants a Wife" series has left format co-host Inka Bause in an ecstatic state. "Love has once again triumphed!", exclaims the blonde presenter. It appears that Amor has been working tirelessly all around the globe. However, has the messenger of love truly hit pay dirt on every farm? At Marisol's farm in Colombia, farmer Sytse basks in the last morning of the Farmers' Week with fresh coffee prepared right on site. The 66-year-old coffee farmer reasserts herself. A spontaneous salsa lesson, a leisurely plucking session surrounded by 3,000 coffee trees, and a leisurely stroll through the farm's labyrinthine garden were intended to dispel any remaining doubts.

The only issue is that Sytse's heart remains unmoved: "You can't force feelings; I don't feel any romance", explains the Dutchman. For Marisol, a small world shatters. The farmer is distraught that no romantic feelings have developed in Sytse. The glass globe even reveals that the trained economist did not even register for the show after the broadcast.

In Togo, dark clouds gather for Philipp. During a laid-back pool party, everything is still in order. Globe-trotter Susanne is going all out: "What do you actually do with your beard during sex?", wonders the blonde. When attempting to initiate Philipp into the secrets of yoga later, the air is already running low. "I have to leave, the animals are waiting for me!", growls the permaculture farmer. Philipp's rigid daily routine conflicts with Susanne's desire for freedom and relaxation. It leads to heated arguments ("You're not on vacation here!"), resulting in Susanne packing up her tents early. There was no reunion after the show, either.

In the Steiermark, a happy ending seems to be right on the horizon before the end of the Farmers' Week. At forest warden Gerfried's alpine hut, the farmer and Angelika, who is twenty years younger, get a little closer. A romantic campfire, many compliments, and a spontaneous hot air balloon flight do the trick. The sparks are flying at Gerfried's and Angelika's. When it comes to the obligatory "how's it going with you today" video call, the usually cheerful Gerfried appears rather melancholy. The reason: The smoldering fire has not turned into a blanket of roses: "It didn't work out between Angelika and me!", confesses the Austrian.

Dutchman Sytse enjoys freshly roasted coffee in bed.

Now, let's talk about the truly enduring love stories of this year's series. In the lead for the Love Couple of the Season Cup are dairy farmer Peter and part-time model Alisa. On the last day, the farm lady is even permitted to name a calf. "That means a lot to me!", reveals Alisa with a loving smile on her face. The final evening is filled with a roaring fire, hot mulled wine, and dreamy glances, which are still being exchanged regularly after the show: "Alisa has turned my head!", confesses the farmer from Tyrol.

Glowing Hearts in Brazil

Almost as far apart as night and day are Farmer Fritz and his maid Julia. The 46-year-old Swiss living in France invites his dream princess to a delicious picnic - with a dazzling farewell present included. Julia, who is visibly giddy, hadn't anticipated a heart-shaped necklace. Her joy is even greater. The first kiss follows, and Fritz's statement, which doesn't need to be questioned further: "That was one of the most beautiful moments in my life!", he says. The two doves continue to cultivate their love after the show.

The most touching exclamation mark is set by bio farmer Ulrike from Brazil. The 57-year-old expatriate has traveled especially to Bavaria to declare her love to Heiko. Presenter Inka is just as excited as Ulrike at their first in-person encounter since the end of the Farmers' Week. Then it's finally time. Ulrike throws herself into the completely surprised arms of Heiko. "I love you!", exclaims the passionate jam maker. In addition to the life-altering message, the utterly smitten farmer also has a plane ticket for her dream prince in his pocket. Heiko is ecstatic: "That's crazy!", the Bavarian shouts. Even Inka finds it difficult to keep back her tears of joy.

Peter from Austria and Alisa from the Palatinate dream of a future as a couple.

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