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Horst Lichter discusses his injured hand after rescuing a young child from a lion.

"Bares für Rares" revolves around trading second-hand items, but Horst Lichter turned his attention to his injured hand and shared captivating anecdotes.

Horst Lichter explains on "Bares für Rares" why his hand is bandaged
Horst Lichter explains on "Bares für Rares" why his hand is bandaged

Revealing Uncommon Items - Horst Lichter discusses his injured hand after rescuing a young child from a lion.

When Horst Lichter steps into the "Bares für Rares" studio, he starts chatting about the blue bandage on his left hand. Heide Rezepa-Zabel, the host, questions whether he's already shared the story. Thinking Lichter had simply fallen, she learns differently as he narrates a different tale: "I bravely saved a young child from a lion at the Cologne Zoo," says the 62-year-old without any signs of embarrassment. "Sacrifices must be made."

As the show continues, two women named Jutta and Ariana Edelmann from Neckargemünd join them. They're there to sell a necklace they acquired from a flea market.

The Excitement of "Bares für Rares": A Thrilling Dealer Room

Jutta Edelmann purchased the precious jewelry piece a couple of years ago for a mere 12 euros at a flea market, only to discover later that it was designed by Dior. She has never donned it, so she's planning on turning it into silver now.

Rezepa-Zabel confirms this to be true - the necklace was indeed tailored by Pforzheim company Henkel & Grosse under Dior's command in 1966. However, it's not genuine gold; instead, it's merely gold-plated.

Jutta hopes to part with her flea market gem for 450 euros. The expert, however, carefully deems its value lie between 300 to 400 euros. Given its initial price of 12 euros, that's still a great profit.

The dealers come forth, ready to fight for the treasure. The bidding soars beyond Jutta's required sum. In the end, Lisa Nüdling wins with a bid of 480 euros, even increasing it by 20 euros. The mother-daughter duo goes home with a fantastic 500 euros.

Horst Lichter still has one more story to reveal: "My dear Heide, it's high time to reveal the truth about this injury," he starts, preparing for a second tall tale. "It transpired when I heroically saved a crane operator falling from heights."

Rezepa-Zabel brushes aside the tall tale: "I don't think you should overthink a tiny scratch."

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