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"Horst, Horst, what a gorgeous beard": An expert ridicules Horst Lichter

A giant mirror captivates the attention of TV host Horst Lichter from "Bares für Rares." Upon inquiring what the most attractive item in the room is, he gets an unexpected response.

Horst Lichter looks deep into the mirror on "Bares für Rares"
Horst Lichter looks deep into the mirror on "Bares für Rares"

"Exposing Valuable Finds" - "Horst, Horst, what a gorgeous beard": An expert ridicules Horst Lichter

This elderly woman, Dagmar Schrewe, has a massive mirror she can barely carry. She intends to bring it to "Bares für Rares" for sale, as it no longer fits in her apartment. She's accompanied by her friend's daughter.

Horst Lichter's eyes immediately lock onto the mirror with its golden frame. He's taken with it, while Bianca Berding, an expert, approves, calling it "impressive" upon first and second glance. Dating the piece to the 1920s and 30s, she also points out some damage on the frame. Lichter suggests restoring the antique mirror and installing a facet cut one. However, he's not a dealer and therefore can't participate in the auction.

600 to 800 euros is Bianca Berding's estimate of its worth, while Dagmar Schrewe simply desires 50 to 100 euros. Horst Lichter exclaims: "God, that's modest!" and agrees with the assessment.

Once the sellers have departed, Horst Lichter admires the mirror, jokingly asking,"Mirror, mirror on the table. Who's the fairest on this table?" Bianca Berding chimes in: "The Horst, the Horst. He has such a beautiful beard." The moderator then leaves hastily.

The dealers show interest in the mirror, with the decoration particularly captivating them. "Grapes," Walter Lehnertz remarks about the design. "The theme is alcohol," Christian Vechtel adds. This leads Leo Leo to ask: "Is this an alcohol mirror?" Jan Čížek starts the bidding at 300 euros, but it doesn't progress until 450 euros. Schrewe, however, proves to be an accomplished negotiator, holding out for 500 euros, which is eventually paid by Leo Leo for 520 euros. Both sellers head back to Herford satisfied.

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