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Her audience was so fond of Madonna

The Queen of Pop granted more than just a blessing: Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman acquired the rights to Madonna's 'Like a Prayer'.

Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds, l.) and Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) spoke in front of Madonna.
Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds, l.) and Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) spoke in front of Madonna.

Deadpool & Wolverine- Stars - Her audience was so fond of Madonna

In the Deadpool & Wolverine trailer, Ryan Reynolds (47) and Hugh Jackman (55) clash to the sounds of Madonna's (65) "Like a Prayer." The song is also heard in the film, which comes to cinemas on July 24. To secure the rights to the hit from 1989, the actors and director Shawn Levy (55) personally approached the Queen of Pop. The stars revealed this in an interview with Sirius XM radio.

Normally, Madonna is strict about licensing her songs - especially "Like a Prayer," Ryan Reynolds mentioned in the interview. "It was a big deal to ask for it, and an even bigger deal to use the song," the Deadpool actor said.

How does one address Madonna? Feels like visiting a royal house

The audience with Madonna felt like they were visiting a royal house, revealed director Shawn Levy. Ryan Reynolds even asked Madonna's team how he should address the singer: "Can I just call her 'Madonna'?", he recalled. "Like: 'Hi Madonna, I'm Ryan'."

However, the meeting went better than the film stars had anticipated. Madonna watched the scene where "Like a Prayer" was to be played. Then she gave her approval. Helping matters was that one of her sons is a big fan of the first two Deadpool films.

Madonna gave more than just a green light

Madonna didn't just give a green light, but also tips for the scene under her song. And the filmmakers implemented them right away. According to Shawn Levy, they recorded the soundtrack anew within 48 hours. "It improved the sequence," the director admitted.

In the trailer, Deadpool & Wolverine- Stars Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman clash to the familiar tunes of Madonna's "Like a Prayer". Shawn Levy, director of Deadpool & Wolverine, personally approached Madonna to secure the rights for the iconic 1989 hit. During an interview with Sirius XM radio, Ryan Reynolds mentioned the Challenge of acquiring and using "Like a Prayer". The meeting with Madonna was reminiscent of visiting a royal house, as Ryan Reynolds asked her team about addressing her.

Despite the initial apprehensions, the meeting with Madonna went better than expected. She watched the scene where "Like a Prayer" was to be played and gave her approval, as one of her sons is a fan of the Deadpool films. Madonna not only gave her blessing but also offered valuable tips for the scene, which the filmmakers implemented quickly.

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