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Helper steals the show from Olympic swimmers

Item retrieved from basin

A volunteer had to perform a special task before a swimming competition.
A volunteer had to perform a special task before a swimming competition.

Helper steals the show from Olympic swimmers

Olympic Games wouldn't function without them: volunteers. They come in the tens of thousands to ensure a smooth experience for athletes and fans. One of them had to go the extra mile before a swimming competition - and briefly became a star.

A volunteer at the Olympic swimming events in Paris briefly stole the show from top athletes. Before a women's race on Sunday evening, an object was spotted in the pool. The volunteer sprang into action.

A short video on social media shows an object lying on the bottom of the pool at the grand Arena de la Défense in Paris. Commentators wonder what it could be. Meanwhile, top athletes wait at the pool's edge, unable to dive in due to their crucial concentration phase. But that's not necessary.

The camera pans to a man in a short, colorful swimsuit who appears at the pool's edge. As cheers erupt in the packed arena, he laughs briefly. He stops by lane three, takes a quick run-up, and executes a confident dive into the pool. He quickly retrieves the object from the pool floor. After a few seconds, the action is over, and the helper swims to the pool's edge.

Upon emerging from the water, he presents a swimming cap to the cheering audience, which an athlete must have lost in one of the previous competitions.

According to media reports, 45,000 volunteers, known as "Games Makers," are involved in the Olympic (30,000) and Paralympic Games (15,000). They come from 150 countries and represent all age groups, with some volunteers even being over 90 years old.

The volunteer's swift action during the swimming competition was greatly appreciated, as he managed to retrieve a lost swimming cap before the start of a women's race. Despite not being a top athlete, his actions on the pool floor earned him applause and admiration from the crowd.

Having proved his quick thinking and skill in swimming, the volunteer's role in the Olympic Games was further highlighted, proving that volunteers are an essential part of the event's success, going beyond simply ensuring a smooth experience for athletes and fans.

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