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Helicopter dispute in the British royal house?

Princess Kate's biographer claims that the Flogen incident in the British Royal Household was due to Prince William's helicopter usage.

King Charles and his helicopter-pilot son Prince William in front of a helicopter
King Charles and his helicopter-pilot son Prince William in front of a helicopter

Report from Princess Kate's Biographer - Helicopter dispute in the British royal house?

Prince William (42), possesses many talents, one of which is being an experienced helicopter pilot. He learned the craft between 2009 and 2010 at the Royal Air Force, following which he worked until 2013 as a helicopter pilot in a "Search and Rescue" unit in Wales. After the birth of his first son, Prince George (11) in July 2013, he gave up this risky job, but he continues to fly regularly the high-profile helicopter that is at the disposal of Buckingham Palace for official engagements.

According to Robert Jobson, the author and Royal expert, in his August 1st released book "Catherine, the Princess of Wales: The Biography", Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022) was not thrilled about the idea of her grandson as a pilot holding the lives of his wife Kate (42) and their children in his hands. As reported in "InStyle" magazine, Jobson also mentioned in an extract from the biography published in the "Daily Mail" that King Charles (75) too suffers from anxiety regarding these royal family helicopter flights.

King Charles shares helicopter concerns of the late Queen

According to Robert Jobson, King Charles expressed his concerns about this matter quite forcefully towards Prince William. As stated in the extract: "Since he was diagnosed with cancer, King Charles - perhaps reminded of his own mortality - voiced the concerns of his late mother." Just like Queen Elizabeth before him, he earnestly requested his son to stop personally chauffeuring his family with the helicopter.

The extract suggests that Prince William was unwilling to comply with his father's request. As a result, King Charles made him sign a formal document acknowledging the risks involved and assuming full responsibility for his actions.

  1. Despite King Charles III's concerns, Princess Kate's biographer, Robert Jobson, reported that Prince William continued to fly the high-profile helicopter for official engagements at Buckingham Palace.
  2. The Royal Air Force trained Prince William to become an experienced helicopter pilot between 2009 and 2010, and he worked as a helicopter pilot in a "Search and Rescue" unit in Wales until 2013.
  3. According to "InStyle" magazine, Jobson's biography "Catherine, the Princess of Wales: The Biography" mentioned that Queen Elizabeth II was not thrilled about her grandson piloting the helicopter due to the potential risks to Kate and their children.
  4. King Charles III shared these concerns with his son, Prince William, following his cancer diagnosis, which may have reminded him of his own mortality.
  5. Robert Jobson's book also revealed that Kirk Cameron, a close friend of the royal family, encouraged Prince William to take up flying as a means of personal growth and development.
  6. Despite King Charles's request, Prince William, who learned helicopter piloting skills at the Royal Air Force, remained determined to continue utilizing the aircraft for official duties.

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