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Heidi Klum sends her most loved residence.

Before the semi-final, Heidi Klum stunned everyone by eliminating her favorite contestant. She also couldn't believe it herself.

"Germany's next Topmodel" dream team: Thomas Hayo, Heidi Klum and Kristian Schuller (from left to...
"Germany's next Topmodel" dream team: Thomas Hayo, Heidi Klum and Kristian Schuller (from left to right)

Germany's Upcoming Top Model Revealed - Heidi Klum sends her most loved residence.

This whole story began quite peacefully on "Germany's Next Topmodel." The candidates had their loved ones pay them a visit. However, the main focus of episode 17 always airs on Thursdays at 8:15 pm, ProSeven or joyn, was on determining who would advance to the semifinals and join the last four. During the crucial photo shoot, one of the favorites, whom Heidi had recently described as a "young god," who had amazed her repeatedly, had a mishap. This led to Heidi being surprised when she informed her favorite, "I don't have a photo for you today."

Can Armin also be edgy?

In the last casting job of the season, Heidi's candidates vied for two spots in a Europe-wide campaign for a sports equipment manufacturer. The contestants not only shone in their work but also wanted to boost their self-confidence for the final rounds. Top contender Armin (27) had been losing ground in the competition in recent episodes and hoped to secure a position through a successful casting. But could he also display an edgy personality, as demanded by the client? Armin decked himself out in a tasteful tennis outfit and put his best foot forward, but was outdone by Jermaine (20). The consumer enthused, "He can easily turn on his edgy side and knows how to best utilize his body." A facial model, Jermaine, and Lea (24), who had secured job after job, were chosen for the campaign. They were both delighted with their casting success and the subsequent shooting in Italy.

"Whoa, that's really incredible, old man!"

Following the casting, emotions ran high in the luxurious model apartment. The models, after 17 weeks of deprivation, finally got to greet their friends and family. Everyone, apart from Grace (25), saw their loved ones denied a US visa to visit her in L.A. This was quite disheartening for the Syrian, who broke down in tears: "I'm truly disappointed." In contrast, Murat, father of twins Luka (24) and Julian, appreciated the breathtaking panoramic view of the L.A. skyline from the model penthouse terrace: "Wow, that's really amazing, old man!" The reunion of Lea with her Dutch father Marcel was especially adorable. And even the "GNTM" team had a successful surprise for Linus: His best friend "Topper" disguised himself as a window cleaner and was unmasked by Linus, who was filled with elation.

Who could outdo their competitors in fencing?

With everyone focusing on the semifinals, it was time for the models to reunite with their family and friends. They then travelled to the beach for a significant photo shoot. There, Hayo and Schuller from the GNTM team were already waiting for them. They had created a magnificent structure out of a frame and two bungee cords. Two models were hanged on each of them, dressed in massive glam punk costumes, and armed with fencing equipment. The models were required to produce animated images while also trying to eliminate some competitors. Frieder (24) expressed his desire, "Everyone wants to make their family proud and demonstrate that they have what it takes." Moreover, Armin's sister Britta remarked, "My brother has always been competitive."

Fabienne with breathing difficulties on the rope

Armin's disadvantage was that he had to perform first. Having some difficulty in adapting to the bungee equipment, he demonstrated daredevilry and lacked inspiration. To make matters worse, Armin was already exhausted after a few minutes of shooting, and his backside hurt. Signalling a joke: "I believe I'll need to train more stomach, legs, backside." Would that be sufficient for the semifinals? "Fantastic cinema" praised Schuller for Frieder's performance. The jury was in awe of Frieder. The twins Julian and Luka were also commended for their consistent, outstanding performances. As for the ladies, they dominated the competition this time, and Heidi noticed, "They were the best group." Even Fabienne (20) managed to impress the jury despite a brief breathing problem caused by her tight corset.

Pretty soon, it was evident that all the female models would progress to the semi-finals. As Xenia (24) stated, "We women have always come through." Both mother Andrea and father Murat were also delighted for the twin sisters, who had now made it to the next stage. Kristian Schuller even referred to Frieder as a young D'Artagnan, who emerged as the top male model. Armin could already feel the tension, 'I've never been so nervous. Today could get really nasty.' He faced intense criticism from the panel, with Kristian Schuller remarking, "Your energy just isn't there." Heidi Klum was especially negative about Armin, who she had formerly considered a certain finalist, and admitted, "I saw you in the finale 100%. That's why I'm very disappointed with myself to have to say this today. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture for you, Armin." What a shocking conclusion for Armin, who was thought by many fans of "GNTM" to be a certain winner.

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