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Heidi Klum selects her ultimate models.

In the semi-finals of "Germany's Next Topmodel," after a helicopter shoot and a catwalk, Heidi Klum revealed her finalists, including a duo.

It all started with the open casting: Who made it to the final?
It all started with the open casting: Who made it to the final?

"Germany's Leading Model Competition" - Heidi Klum selects her ultimate models.

In "GNTM," the thrilling semifinals unfold with the grand finale approaching (Thursday, 8:15 pm, ProSeven or joyn). Heidi Klum (51) put her three chosen ones through an epic skydive photoshoot, raising the question: Who must relinquish their ambition of triumph as they near the culminating moment?

The past 18 weeks have been a remarkable and groundbreaking journey for both male and female models. The finalists face two crucial tasks before the coveted final.

One of the glamorous and daring tasks demanded daring, as the models donned eye-catching silver and gold ensembles while perching on the helicopter's rotors, a nerve-wracking feat given the fear of heights endured by some, notably Jermaine (20). The helicopter's daring flight called for models to enjoy themselves entirely. Heidi gave clear instructions – "Show me how much fun you're having!" As they were transported into the air, the models valiantly displayed their cheery expressions. Jermaine, notorious for his cringe-inducing comment, has no plans on changing his ways, "I think Heidi hates me."

Fortunately, others did not share Jermaine's timidity. Xenia (24) embarked on her first helicopter journey, enjoying the exhilaration, as did the twin brothers Luka (24) and Julian (24), who left Heidi pleased, "My girls are tough. That's what I love about them." Each expressed their delight in the experience. Frieder, on the other hand, showcased a relatively less spirited performance, hanging slightly less enthusiastically on the helicopter.

The memorable catwalk began with the presentation of unconventional Swiss-born designer Yannik Zamboni's (37) muse-esque fashions. Models would have to embody the avant-garde looks, despite Zamboni's manmade creations presenting a difficult task. The twins Luka and Julian found their gender-bending makeup challenging: "This makes me feel not myself," Luka lamented. "These eyelashes look artificially feminine - that's not my look. For me and my brother, this is a real challenge here," Julian reflected.

Adding to their predicament, Zamboni demanded all models wear stilettos, which did not suit Luka after surviving a vertebrae-impacting motorcycle accident. The designer's remark on twin chances: "If Julian had been at my casting, he wouldn't have been in my show."

Unfazed by the unconventional outfits, Jermaine, amongst the men, showcased a breath-taking performance. Completely unclothed, he made the lone chair serving as an accessory a vital part of his catsuit, earning Heidi's praise: "He knows what the designer was hungrily looking for."

Linus (25) took on a charismatic persona, epitomizing the sun with his torched eyebrows and a swarm of lashes as large as can be. Both Fabienne (20) and Grace (25) received Heidi's admiration, sporting their outrageously wild hairstyles, akin to Marge Simpson's do, on the catwalk with aplomb. Elsa Hosk (35), the esteemed Swedish model, served as a guest judge, endorsing Heidi's search for genuine confidence in the models.

Two competitors, Fabienne and Grace, failed to meet the expectations amongst the women, as did Frieder and the twins amongst the men, making the final selection tense.

Jermaine shone once more, with a dynamic walking style enhanced by a single white chair, tied around him. The daring outfit, decorated with a portion of tagliatelle-like fabric straps and platform shoes, showcased his personality. Lea showcased an enchanting walk, with her lattice-like outfit flaunted before the enthusiastic judges: "You can't take your eyes off her because you might miss something great," expressed Heidi. Both Zamboni and Hosk regarded Lea's walk as a captivating performance.

In the end, Heidi and her companions deliberated upon the dilemma faced with the male and female finalists.

Lea and Xenia, along with Jermaine and Linus, were able to secure their spots in the finals. Heidi told Lea, "You're the perfect candidate for the big final." As a result, Lea became the favorite with Xenia and Fabienne as her challengers. Both of these ladies were also part of the final, while Grace was eliminated. Heidi encouraged the Syrian who had fled to Germany ten years prior, saying, "Be proud and maintain your optimistic attitude."

Additionally, Julian and Luka are among the contenders to become the first male "Germany's Next Topmodel." Despite Frieder getting close, the two secured the final position. Heidi complimented the twins, "The two of you together are simply magical."

Will Lea and Jermaine continue to live up to their favorite roles during the finals? The previous episodes have illustrated that anything can happen. In other words, let the best one win!

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