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He talks about his grief

Prince Harry lost his mother Princess Diana when he was twelve. In an interview, he spoke again about dealing with his grief.

Prince Harry repressed the death of his mother for a long time.
Prince Harry repressed the death of his mother for a long time.

Prince Harry - He talks about his grief

Prinz Harry (39) spoke about dealing with loss in a week-long silent period in an interview. The Royal is an ambassador for the charitable organization "Scotty's Little Soldiers," which supports children who have lost their parents in military service. In a conversation with the founder Nikki Scott, as shown in a video on the organization's Instagram account, he fought back tears.

"You can't keep it suppressed for too long, that's not sustainable. It will eat you up from the inside," he shared about his experiences with grief. Prinz Harry was twelve years old when his mother, Princess Diana (1961-1997), died in a car accident.

Prinz Harry shows vulnerability

"That's the hardest part, especially for children, I think: 'I don't want to talk about it because it will make me sad.' But when I realize that I'm talking about it and celebrating your life, then it does become easier," he explained. As a child, one convinces oneself that the person you've lost wants you to be sad as long as possible to prove that you miss them. Later, one comes to the realization that the deceased person would much rather their loved ones be happy.

Nikki Scott shared in the conversation how she had told her son about his father's death. Harry visibly moved and hugged her afterwards. "What you've done is incredible. It's really inspiring. I feel really honored and privileged to be part of 'Scotty's'," praised the mother of two, Scott.

Prinz Harry suppressed Diana's death for long

In the Netflix docu-series "Heart of Invictus," Prinz Harry (Son of King Charles III, 75) already spoke about how he had dealt with his mother's death. "The loss of my mother at such a young age, the trauma that I had, was never conscious to me. It was never spoken about and I hadn't really spoken about it and I suppressed it," he recalled. Harry tried to hide his feelings. In earlier interviews, he mentioned crying only once, at her funeral, up until his 28th birthday.

Prinz Harry's emotional vulnerability during the interview on Instagram was notable, as he discussed his struggles with dealing with his mother's death. Reflecting on his childhood, Prinz Harry stated that as a young boy, he believed his mother, Princess Diana, wanted him to remain sad as a sign of his love and miss her. The heartfelt conversation with Nikki Scott also brought up Prinz Harry's past experiences with suppressing his emotions, mentioning that he had only openly cried once, at his mother's funeral, until his 28th birthday.

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