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He struggles with his role as a father.

The actor, David Duchovny, admits to not being a perfect father and expresses his love for his kids.

David Duchovny with his daughter West last year.
David Duchovny with his daughter West last year.

The actor David Duchovny undergoes treatment for sex addiction. - He struggles with his role as a father.

David Duchovny, aged 63, may not consider himself the ideal father, but he treasures his relationship with his two kids, Kyd (21) and West (25). The actor acclaimed for his role as Fox Mulder in the TV cult show "The X-Files" expressed his thoughts in a talk with "People" magazine. David acknowledged his imperfections as a father but considers his offspring to be exemplary individuals.

"David Duchovny: 'I'm Sure I've Made Mistakes'"

"I have my doubts about my parenting skills," admits David. Nonetheless, he's convinced that his accomplishments as a parent are reflected in his kids' kindness and goodness. He says, "Perhaps I was a good father because my children are amazing individuals."

Duchovny also revealed he might have been more present for his children during their upbringing. However, he wonders if it would've been better for them if he hadn't focused so intently on his career. He can only reflect upon the decisions he made. David explains, "Of course, I'm not a perfect parent, but I cherish my children. I adore them immensely." He finds immense value in the love he and his kids share and doesn't think anything surpasses it.

West, too, might realize the challenges her father faced when she was still a child. As a seasoned actress, West has starred in numerous productions, including the miniseries "Saint X" and "Painkiller."

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