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He is planning a long holiday in the summer

King Charles will return to the royal tradition of summer vacation this year, after pursuing a different plan last year.

King Charles is soon going on vacation.
King Charles is soon going on vacation.

King Charles III. - He is planning a long holiday in the summer

King Charles III (75) is reportedly going to spend a long summer holiday in Scotland this year, following a royal tradition that his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022), had. The monarch spent several weeks every year at her estate, Balmoral, in the Highlands.

King Charles returned earlier last year to London, which led to speculation that he might be breaking with his mother's tradition. However, this summer seems to offer him a longer break. According to the "Daily Mail", the monarch is now looking forward to staying longer in Scotland.

Is King Charles overdoing it?

In the past few weeks, the King has attended numerous engagements, including appointing Keir Starmer (61) as the new Prime Minister and receiving the Japanese Emperor and Empress in the UK. Recently, Charles visited the Channel Islands or opened Parliament in London. On Thursday (18. July), the British Monarch also met with European state and government leaders at the fourth European Political Community (EPC) summit.

His full schedule, according to the "Daily Mail," has raised concerns that the 75-year-old might be pushing himself too hard during his cancer treatment. The monarch made his cancer diagnosis public earlier in the year and took a break from public engagements. He returned in April.

King Charles' trip to Scotland is expected to begin in early August with a visit to the Mey Highland Games. The rest of the summer, Charles and his wife, Queen Camilla (77), are reportedly planning to either stay at their Scottish estate, Birkhall, or Balmoral, and invite their family and the Prime Minister.

In October, they head to Australia

In October, King Charles and Queen Camilla will visit Australia and Samoa, as announced by the Palace. It will be Charles' first visit to Australia as Monarch and also his first official multi-day overseas trip since his cancer diagnosis.

  1. Despite his busy schedule, which includes appointing Keir Starmer as the new Prime Minister and attending several engagements in London and beyond, King Charles III is reportedly looking forward to a longer summer holiday in Scotland, following a royal tradition established by his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II.
  2. According to the "Daily Mail Daily," King Charles III will begin his trip to Scotland in early August with a visit to the Mey Highland Games, and he and Queen Camilla are expected to either stay at their Scottish estate, Birkhall, or Balmoral for the rest of the summer, inviting their family and the Prime Minister.
  3. The news that King Charles III will spend a long summer holiday in Scotland has been met with mixed feelings, with some questioning if he is overdoing it considering his age and cancer diagnosis. However, the monarch's love for Scotland and its traditions is well-known, having spent several weeks every year at his mother's estate, Balmoral, in the Highlands.
  4. In contrast to his upcoming holiday plans, Prime Minister Keir Starmer will be keeping a busy schedule, having recently been appointed by King Charles III himself. Starmer, who turned 61 this year, will undoubtedly have a lot on his plate as he takes on his new role, navigating the challenges and opportunities that come with leading the United Kingdom.

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