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He complains about lacking conversation - and then doesn't speak?

DHB-Offer apparently unused

Two BVB handball players went public with their accusations against Fuehr in 2022.
Two BVB handball players went public with their accusations against Fuehr in 2022.

He complains about lacking conversation - and then doesn't speak?

Upon learning of the accusations against handball coach André Fuhr, he complained about only finding out about them through the media. The commission in charge of the case, however, has now stated: Fuhr has yet to accept a meeting invitation.

Former handball coach Fuhr, who is facing serious accusations, has not accepted the meeting invitation from the investigation commission. "The commission informed Mr. Fuhr in June 2023 that he would have the opportunity to speak with the commission and present his perspective on the accusations. In March 2024, we presented him with a specific date proposal. Unfortunately, Mr. Fuhr has not accepted our meeting invitation so far," Jeannine Ohlert, who has been active as the spokesperson for the commission appointed by the German Handball Federation (DHB), announced.

The former Bundesliga coach Fuhr criticized in the past that many of the accusations against him became known to him only through media reporting. He also expressed his confusion at not being questioned about the allegations himself at the time.

The commission has been working since spring 2023 to investigate accusations from numerous players against Fuhr. These accusations involve misuse of power and emotional abuse. The Oberlandesgericht Hamm ordered the DHB, on Fuhr's application, to partially and temporarily halt the work of the commission until a decision in the main proceedings. The DHB is now planning to appeal this interim decision.

The Athletes' Association took note of the fact that the investigation into Fuhr's accusations has come to a standstill for the time being. "Affected parties have a right to processing. We are all the more disappointed that the processing process seems to have come to a standstill again. Above all, it is now important to prevent any further harm to the affected parties. We hope that ways will be found to continue the essential work of the independent commission," the association stated.

National players Mia Zschocke and Amelie Berger made the case public in 2022. Following this, other athletes came forward, stating that they had suffered psychologically under Fuhr's training methods. Both the Bundesliga club from Dortmund and the DHB, where Fuhr worked as a U20 coach, ended their cooperation with Fuhr as a result.

Despite the invitation sent by the commission in June 2023 and a specific date proposal presented in March 2024, former handball coach Fuhr has not joined any conversation regarding the accusations against him. During a drive, Fuhr expressed his frustration about learning about the allegations mainly through media reports, lacking an opportunity for a direct conversation to present his perspective.

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