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Harvey Weinstein files an appeal in Los Angeles.

Following the repeal in New York:

Weinstein at a hearing in Manhattan at the end of May.
Weinstein at a hearing in Manhattan at the end of May.

Harvey Weinstein files an appeal in Los Angeles.

In April, a New York court overturned Harvey Weinstein's conviction for rape, leading the imprisoned movie mogul to now challenge his 2022 conviction in Los Angeles. Weinstein's lawyers have asked for a new trial in California, where he was sentenced to a 16-year prison term for rape and sexual assault.

Back in 2022, Weinstein was sentenced to a 23-year prison term in New York for sexual offenses. However, on April 25th, New York's highest court overturned this sentence due to concerns that women had testified about accusations that weren't part of the indictment. The prosecutor's office is considering reopening the case, potentially starting in the fall.

The appeal's main arguments

The appeal documents from Los Angeles, as reported by "Sky News," argue that the jury should not have been allowed to know about Weinstein's New York conviction. Additionally, his lawyers claim that, like in New York, the jury was influenced by unrelated allegations from women.

Weinstein was found guilty in one of the four cases in 2022, where he was accused of raping a woman in 2013 during a film festival in Italy. The woman's legal team is "confident that Weinstein's appeal will be rejected," as he faced numerous accusations as part of the #MeToo movement that first gained attention in 2017.

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In reference to his appeal in Los Angeles, Weinstein's lawyers argue that the jury should not have been informed about his New York conviction due to the impact it may have had on the entertainment industry's perception of him. Despite facing numerous allegations within the entertainment industry, processes in the justice system continue to unfold, with possible repercussions for Weinstein's convictions in both courts.



The court sees no urgent suspicion.

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