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Gymnasts Dauser and Toba excel on parallel bars and high bar events.

Lukas Dauser exhibits feline-like agility on the parallel bars, delighting audiences. Andreas Toba astonishes with his finest high bar routine in three years. Elisabeth Seitz breaks her own title record.

Lukas Dauser put in another strong performance at the German Gymnastics Championships.
Lukas Dauser put in another strong performance at the German Gymnastics Championships.

Gymnastics: DM Events on the Agenda - Gymnasts Dauser and Toba excel on parallel bars and high bar events.

Lukas Dauser, the world-class gymnast, showcased another impressive performance at the German Gymnastics Championships in Frankfurt/Main, taking first place on the parallel bars with a world-class score of 15.500 points. A day after earning the all-around title, Dauser improved his score by 0.167 points.

National coach Valeri Belenki praised Dauser's performance, "The routine is solid, you can see he's mastered it. He executes it effortlessly with his unique style, which sets him apart from everyone else. It's such a fluid style, like a cat moving gracefully."

Tobias dominates the pommel horse

Glenn Trebing from Hanover took second place with 14.025 points, while Andreas Toba, his clubmate, secured third place with 13.550 points. However, Toba managed to defend his title on the pommel horse, a feat he achieved at the European Championships in Basel in 2021, by scoring a fantastic 14.475 points. "That was the best, most successful routine since Basel," said Toba. Dauser finished in second place with 13.825 points, sharing the spot with Carlo Hörz from Schmiden.

Elisabeth Seitz claims her 26th championship title

Elisabeth Seitz, aged 30, was celebrated for her 26th German championship title. She excelled on the uneven bars, claiming victory with a score of 14.750 points. Seitz won the European Championship in 2002 in this event. "Winning today's title feels great because it shows I haven't given up, and I'm still fighting for that last Olympic ticket," said the Stuttgart native, reflecting on her ongoing competitive career. "My score of 14.750 surely demonstrates my potential for a medal internationally."

Helen Kevric captures her first championship title

Helen Kevric, a 16-year-old gymnast from Stuttgart, won her first-ever German championship title on the floor. She earned 13.425 points, surpassing Karina Schönmaier from Chemnitz (13.075) and Pauline Schäfer-Betz from Chemnitz (12.800). On the balance beam, Seitz, the defending champion, finished in third place with 13.025 points after she fell during the Schäfer Salto. Sarah Voss from Cologne claimed the gold with an outstanding performance of 13.975 points, followed by Kevric (13.050) and Seitz (14.400) in second place.

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