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Günther Jauch is distraught in his belief akin to that seen in "The Exorcist."

Günther Jauch is distraught in his belief akin to that seen in "The Exorcist."

In the penultimate episode before the massive 3-million-euro finale, the "Last Chance" contestants pull out all the stops. There's not just nerves and anticipation but also a fair share of disappointment at the end.

The grand finale week is almost here. After the self-assured contestants on Monday and the U80 and U30 representatives on Tuesday, the lucky candidates who have been given a "Last Chance" by Günther Jauch are all set to take center stage on Wednesday. Take, for instance, Munich resident Matthias Rüten, who has already sweated in front of the "Selection Question" monitor four times, but the coveted quiz chair has never been his. Günther Jauch starts off with a bang, "Herr Rüten, too dumb or too slow?", he asks with a teasing smile.

The candidate just chuckles it off. This time, he wants to make his mark. But his big dream of sudden wealth bursts like a soap bubble in the autumn wind. The 4000-euro question is up, and Günther Jauch wants to know, "What got its name, among other things, because of a tube that can be folded over?" The options are the fuel pump, the Gulasch cannon, the tin can, and the ass bomb. Herr Rüten is visibly confused and turns to the audience for help. Unfortunately, this only leads him astray, as 53 percent of the audience incorrectly votes for the tin can. Günther tries to throw a lifeline in the middle of the storm, "Please, take the 50-50 lifeline!" But it's too late. Herr Rüten goes with the tin can (the Gulasch cannon would have been the correct answer) and falls back to 1000 euros.

"Money doesn't buy happiness!"

The despair is real. But the opening act can still be topped. After Dany Philipp Schmidt from Lower Saxony (16,000 euros) and the impulsive Luca Demirel from Mönchengladbach (32,000 euros) secure their final tickets, it's Hanfladen owner Tobias Pietsch's turn. The sweaty glasses wearer from Freiburg is already tripped up at the 1000-euro question. "Whether someone expresses themselves loudly or quietly, mumbles, or speaks clearly - all of that is so to speak different...?" Phrases, quotes, clichés, or sayings? After some thought, Pietsch chooses against the (correct) sayings and for the (incorrect) clichés. So the hemp expert has to leave empty-handed and depart without success. But the candidate isn't letting his spirits dampen, "Money doesn't buy happiness!", he explains before leaving, bringing about a round of applause.

After a brief break, the madness continues. Northlight Benjamin Boritzka walks away with an impressive 32,000 euros after a successful round. Facing a 64,000 euro question, he decides to gamble, "Which country lies mainly on the island of Pulau Ujong?" The contestant, who usually takes his time thinking, suddenly shows his mettle, "Now I'm gambling and being quick: Thailand, A!", he bursts out. The courage isn't rewarded. The correct answer would have been Singapore. So it's not 64,000 euros, but "only" 16,000 euros into the finale.

From Günther Jauch to Linda Blair

A few minutes later, bartender Isabelle Dugaro finds herself at a crossroads: to gamble or play it safe? With 32,000 euros in her account, the Hanseatic League candidate must answer the question, "What is true about the horror film classic 'The Exorcist'?" The options are ten Oscar nominations, the release year 1953, the FSK rating 6, and a box office gross of 5000 dollars. The 50-50 lifeline leaves only the Oscar nominations and the FSK rating. While friends and fans at home cheer, the contestant remains clueless. It's the moment that once again highlights the immense pressure under the glaring "WWM" spotlight. Even with Oscar-worthy grunting assistance from Günther Jauch (for a brief moment turning into Linda Blair), the contestant remains in her "I don't know and don't want to gamble" mindset. With no other option, she retreats, "I'm quitting and taking the 32,000 euros!" announces Isabelle Dugaro. Well, what can one say? Except, of course, "Congratulations!"

The contestants eagerly await their turn on television during the grand finale week. After the self-assured contestants and the representatives from different age groups, the 'Last Chance' contestants prepare to shine on Wednesday's episode.

Despite their best efforts, some contestants struggle to answer questions correctly on the show, reminding us that television fame and wealth do not always guarantee happiness.

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