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German Journalism Criticized by World Champion Christoph Kramer

Kimmich sparks heated discussion

ZDF expert and 2014 World Cup winner Christoph Kramer criticizes the media.
ZDF expert and 2014 World Cup winner Christoph Kramer criticizes the media.

German Journalism Criticized by World Champion Christoph Kramer

Joshua Kimmich, a renowned athlete, often grabs headlines. Previously, ex-World Champion Christoph Kramer voiced concerns about some aspects of German sports journalism given the frequent media attention. Specifically, Kramer criticized the practice of isolating specific quotes for clickbait. As Kramer put it, "German sports media is all about crafting Insta-worthy content. It's as easy as clicking on a quote." This comment was made during a discussion on Saturday's ZDF.

The discussion revolved around a documentary about Joshua Kimmich, shown before the EM game between Turkey and Portugal. In the documentary, Kimmich shared intimate details, such as his experiences during the Corona pandemic.

Kramer criticized the practice of taking quotes out of context. "It's appalling because it's no longer journalism. Somewhere along the line, that became our journalism. I know there are still many good journalists out there. Unfortunately, the typical public is all about quick clicks and high Instagram post engagement," Kramer stated.

He particularly referred to the controversy surrounding Kimmich's position change from central midfield to right back. Kramer didn't condemn the documentary but rather the media's handling of Kimmich's remarks during that time.

Kramer added, "People think twice about what to say because the media makes a mountain out of molehills. But we can't just sit back and say we want honesty if we keep picking everything apart and turning it inside out." Kimmich considers himself a "very nice guy."

Regarding the Corona debate, Kimmich spoke candidly in the ZDF docu. "We've reached a point where it says: It's the pandemic of the unvaccinated. And Joshua Kimmich is portrayed as the face of the unvaccinated. So he's responsible for the pandemic." Initially, Kimmich declined to get vaccinated during the Corona crisis. At times, he had to undergo quarantine as an unvaccinated contact. Later, he announced his decision to get vaccinated.

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