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Game, set and match for a special love

"Perfect Match" retells the fairytale love story between Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi - with perfectly cast actors.

Toby Sebastian in particular looks extremely similar to the real Andre Agassi. But Lena Klenke also...
Toby Sebastian in particular looks extremely similar to the real Andre Agassi. But Lena Klenke also looks very similar to Steffi Graf.

"Perfect Match" about Graf and Agassi - Game, set and match for a special love

The following film, its events, and characters are entirely fictional. However, it could have also happened this way in real life.

The American Playboy and the "German Robot" - the premise

The two rising tennis stars Steffi Graf (Lena Klenke, 28) and Andre Agassi (Toby Sebastian, 32) could not be more different. He, an extroverted, flamboyant playboy, who causes a stir with his long mane and many escapades. She, a calm, supposedly humorous full-blooded professional, referred to as a "German Robot" in one scene of the film.

Despite their apparent incompatibility, the two are not. Both driven by an overambitious, domineering father, their passion for tennis is put to the test. And while the restless Andre secretly longs for a little constancy and true love in his life, Steffi increasingly rebels against her old master. In short: The way Yin and Yang resonate in the tennis world, they are only complete together.

Real-life milestones intertwined with fiction

In a life (and a love) in the public eye, it is inevitable that much remains private comes to light. Above all, when someone like Agassi publishes an extremely open-hearted autobiography like "Open" in 2009. Therefore, the makers of "Perfect Match" already had a rich source of insights outside the tennis court to tell their love story.

However, one decided to mix real-life milestones with a lot of fiction. For example, when the angry Steffi Graf visits her father (played by Michael Kessler, 57) in prison and finally emancipates herself. The fathers of the main characters also function as clear antagonists of the film, driven by ambition and making their children's lives a misery at times.

Strong duo

Where the series "Pam & Tommy" opted for obscenity and shock effect in dramatization, the fictionalization in "Perfect Match" mostly serves to create a nearly fairy-tale-like kitsch. The most emotional scene of the film could not have happened this way, but it manages to convey the intimacy between the two: the moment when Agassi takes off his wig after a fun match with Graf, shows his true self - and she thanks him for the trust.

The main actors met their real-life counterparts head-on. Optically, Klenke and especially Sebastian come very close to their role models. The actress skillfully imitates the dry, witty, and quick-witted humor of the real Steffi Graf. And the chemistry between the two is there - otherwise, the film would have been an unnecessary double failure.

Tennis indeed takes a back seat in "Perfect Match". While "Borg/McEnroe" with Shia LaBeouf and Sverrir Guðnason focused on their toxic rivalry, and "Battle of the Sexes" with Emma Stone and Steve Carell on the title-giving duel Man versus Woman, tennis in "Perfect Match" serves as a vehicle for an incredible love story - and that was indeed the fiction in the film worth noting.

  1. If you're a fan of Toby Sebastian, you might enjoy watching him as Andre Agassi in the Amazon Prime Video original series, "Perfect Match," which also features Lena Klenke as Steffi Graf.
  2. The love story between the tennis stars Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi, depicted in the film "Perfect Match" on Amazon Prime Video, is inspired by real-life events and Milos Forman's movie "Love Story about Graf and Agassi."
  3. The movie "Perfect Match" on Prime Video, which stars Toby Sebastian as Andre Agassi and Lena Klenke as Steffi Graf, showcases the love story between the two tennis champions, portraying their passionate relationship in a nearly fairy-tale-like manner.
  4. In the film "Perfect Match" on Amazon Prime Video, Toby Sebastian and Lena Klenke give powerful performances as Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf, capturing their love story and creating a strong on-screen chemistry that resonates with viewers.
  5. Michael Kessler, who played the role of Steffi Graf's father in "Perfect Match" on Amazon Prime Video, brought a powerful antagonist to the series and contributed to the film's compelling narrative, prompting the audience to empathize with the characters' struggles.

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