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G.G. Anderson declares his retirement.

"I am not Howard Carpendale."

Wrote over 1000 songs: G.G. Anderson.
Wrote over 1000 songs: G.G. Anderson.

G.G. Anderson declares his retirement.

G.G. Anderson, renowned for his songs "Mama Lorraine" and "Summer Night in Rome," kicked off his singing career in the 80s. He also wrote numerous hit songs for fellow performers like Roland Kaiser and Heino. However, it seems he's planning to put an end to both his singing and songwriting careers.

In an interview with "MDR Schlagerwelt," Anderson revealed his retirement plans. The 74-year-old remarked, "I'm not Howard Carpendale." Since Carpendale, who's 78, is still active and has already announced and retracted his retirement, it shows Anderson is serious about quitting.

Following the release of his new album "Seven Lives" on June 7, Anderson confirmed there would be no more new tunes from him. He elaborated, "This is my 30th studio album, and it'll be my last. There won't be any more studio albums by G.G. Anderson in the coming years or decades."

Anderson also intends to retire as a songwriter and producer for other artists. With over 1000 written songs, he boasts of "scribbling Schlager history as G.G. Anderson." And he stresses that this decision is final for him.

A Backstage Exit Remains Possible

Anderson has composed and produced music for a multitude of artists, including Roland Kaiser, Heino, Mireille Mathieu, Rex Gildo, and Thomas Anders. Some of the songs he created were "Checkmate" and "Love Me One Last Time" for Roland Kaiser, "Yes, Yes, Katja, She Has It" for Heino, and so on. He first forayed into the music business as a member of various bands in the '60s. In 1973, he launched his solo career as Alexander Marco. Later, he performed under the name Tony Bell in the '80s. From there, he transformed into G.G. Anderson, who became a hit with songs like "Mama Lorraine," "On the White Beach of San Angelo," and "Summer Night in Rome."

Despite his retiring announcement, Anderson leaves the door slightly ajar for possible future performances. He mentions he might still take the stage. "Music is the only hobby I have, and there's nothing more amazing than being on stage."

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