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Four new episodes from September

The new edition of "Ein Fall für zwei" started in 2014. In September, four new episodes of the popular crime series will be shown on ZDF.

Antoine Monot, Jr. and Wanja Mues have been starring in "Ein Fall für zwei" for ten years.
Antoine Monot, Jr. and Wanja Mues have been starring in "Ein Fall für zwei" for ten years.

"A case for two" celebrates its anniversary - Four new episodes from September

A case for two celebrates a milestone. In 2014, the popular crime series "A Case for Two" made its comeback on screens for the first time. To mark the occasion, ZDF will air four new episodes starting September 6.

The Main Cast is Back

Fans can look forward to a reunion with the familiar main cast. Antoine Monot, Jr. (49) returns as lawyer Benjamin Hornberg, Wanja Mues (50) is back as private detective Leo Oswald, and Bettina Zimmermann (49) takes on the role of prosecutor Claudia Strauss once again. This time, the team investigates the murder of a rapper's sister, a missing music student, and a vanished spouse. Undercover investigations also put their friendship to the test.

The anniversary episodes will be released in the ZDF Mediathek on September 6. The first episode, "Showbiz," premieres on linear TV on September 6 at 8:15 p.m., followed by "Entzweit," "Die letzte Lieferung," and "Spurlos verschwunden" on the subsequent Fridays.

An End is Still Not in Sight

Antoine Monot, Jr. of "A Case for Two" is far from thinking about retiring after ten years. "It's a lot of fun, and Wanja and I have become good friends and colleagues over the years. We've found a tone in the series that we're very satisfied with," he said in an interview with "Prisma" in March. Filming for the eleventh season of the series had already begun by mid-June.

Monot and Mues work with Claus Theo Gaertner (81) and Paul Frielinghaus (64) in the "A Case for Two" revival. Gaertner began in September 1981 as Police Commissioner Josef Matula, who eventually becomes a private detective. The lawyers at his side changed over the years, including Günter Strack (1929-1999) as Dr. Dieter Renz, Rainer Hunold (74) as Dr. Rainer Franck, Mathias Herrmann as Dr. Johannes Voss, and most recently Paul Frielinghaus as Dr. Markus Lessing.

  1. Antoine Monot Jr., who plays lawyer Benjamin Hornberg in "A Case for Two," expresses no signs of retirement after a decade in the crime series.
  2. In the special anniversary edition of "A Case for Two," Antoine Monot Jr., Wanja Mues, and Bettina Zimmermann reprise their roles as Hornberg, Oswald, and Strauss, respectively.
  3. The new episodes of "A Case for Two," marking its anniversary, will be made available on ZDF Mediathek on September 6.
  4. Leo Oswald, played by Wanja Mues, reunites with Antoine Monot Jr.'s Benjamin Hornberg and Bettina Zimmermann's Claudia Strauss in the anniversary season of "A Case for Two."
  5. As part of the anniversary celebration, ZDF will air four new episodes of the crime series "A Case for Two," beginning on September 6 at 8:15 p.m.

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