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Former teammate becomes Sané's new coach.

City humorously discusses future predictions.

Sané and Kompany played together for four years.
Sané and Kompany played together for four years.

Former teammate becomes Sané's new coach.

Leroy Sané and Vincent Kompany have been teammates at Manchester City for four years. Soon, Kompany will become the German national team's coach at FC Bayern. Previously, there were talks about it, and Sané is ecstatic that it's taking place.

Sané doesn't have much chance to converse with his former teammate and upcoming Bayern coach, but he remembers an event from their time at Manchester City vividly. "He mentioned he'd be my coach someday. I disagreed. Now it's sadly true, so he was correct," Sané remarked at the German national team's European Championship base.

The term "unfortunately" was, of course, not genuine. Sané thinks Kompany's affiliation with the German champions is fantastic. "I'm genuinely excited for him to be a coach at a top team and for me to be a teammate there and reunite with him," Sané added. From 2016 to 2020, they played together at Manchester City, gained the English championship, and won the cup.

Sané had already presumed Kompany would become a coach during that period. "From his demeanor as a player, he hinted it fast. Even when I played with him, he sat at his laptop and watched games. That's why I knew that at the time," Sané explained.

They had little communication since Kompany's appointment. "We had a brief phone call. I wished him luck, said I was eagerly anticipating it. We just chatted about how it's going, a quick status update," Sané stated.

Sané feels Kompany, despite his limited coaching experience, would fit in well at Bayern. "Personality-wise, he's the sort who wishes to lead. He was also that way as a player. He anticipates the same from his players now, to triumph, play quickly and well. If he handles this effectively with us, it'll be highly successful," Sané uttered.

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