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For the first instance, a dating contest fails to crown a victor at its conclusion.

In the fourth installment of the widely-known dating series 'Princess Charming', there's an unexpected twist: Princess Lea returns solo.

Berlin-based Lea Hoppenworth currently chooses solitude in her love life.
Berlin-based Lea Hoppenworth currently chooses solitude in her love life.

Princess Lea (30) hadn't anticipated this turn of events during the show's start:

- For the first instance, a dating contest fails to crown a victor at its conclusion.

For the first time, the popular lesbian dating show "Princess's Knight" concluded without a victor. Lea Hoppenworth, aged 30, missed out on the opportunity to locate her ideal partner.

Princess's Knight ends up by herself for the first time

The fourth season of this format has been streaming on the RTL+ platform since early July. Marketing whiz Maike (30) from Berlin and bartender Christine (28) from Cologne reached the finale. Surprisingly, Maike and Princess Lea shared a past relationship. In "Princess's Knight", Lea contemplated choosing her ex-lover again.

However, Maike, known for her self-confidence and independence, yearned for a non-exclusive, polyamorous relationship, rather than being loyal only to Princess Lea. Despite their romantic date high up in the clouds, Princess Lea ultimately opted against Maike in the finale. Lea Hoppenworth explained that she was worried about Maike's strong "flight instinct", which had caused their previous relationship to end abruptly and unpleasantly.

Unfortunately, bartender Christine wasn't meant to become Princess Lea's partner either. With the words "It hasn't given me that complete romantic feeling yet", Lea removed Christine's necklace during their final conversation. This was unprecedented as all three previous seasons of "Princess's Knight" had a winner, even if none of the couples managed to find lasting love.

Lea Hoppenworth found herself in an unexpected situation with her ex-lover Maike during the finale of "Princess's Knight". Despite their romantic date, Lea was concerned about Maike's "flight instinct" and decided against choosing her as her partner.

Despite Lea Hoppenworth's disappointment, she couldn't find that "complete romantic feeling" with bartender Christine either, making her the first season of "Princess's Knight" without a winner.

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