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For "love affair" Liverpool: Klopp paves the way with fresh approaches.

It's reported to be beneficial.

Simply an emotional guy, this Jürgen Klopp.
Simply an emotional guy, this Jürgen Klopp.

For "love affair" Liverpool: Klopp paves the way with fresh approaches.

Before saying goodbye as Liverpool FC's coach, Jürgen Klopp speaks to fans once more with heartfelt words - and for the first time on his personal social media account. This will continue to have updates.

Jürgen Klopp has established a social media account for the Liverpool FC supporters. "Departing this spot is challenging, but I wants to remain connected," the German football team leader said in his first video on Instagram the day prior to his farewell game: "Although I'm not a fan of social media, folks have said it's helpful. Hence, here we are."

Within a few hours, over a million people were following Klopp on the platform, and his initial video had already been seen by more than 17 million viewers. "Dearest Liverpudlians, we are drawing nearer to the conclusion. I like to call it a love story. It's been a breathtaking journey from the start," remarked Klopp, who had previously avoided using social media.

Klopp shared another video on Saturday evening, and his vacated office was displayed. "Final day in the office. Last session completed," declared Klopp: "It was amusing, I'd say. A couple of coaches were quite choked up. Not me yet. I convince myself that there's another game tomorrow and then it's vacation."

Klopp's last game as Reds coach will be against Wolverhampton Wanderers on Sunday (5 pm/Sky). After almost nine years by the Mersey River, a fruitful era is drawing to a close. In sports terms, the match will be insignificant for Klopp's Liverpool team, who are currently in third place in the championship race. During his farewell season, he'll win the League Cup.

The 56-year-old, who led Liverpool to the Premier League and Champions League titles, doesn't anticipate significant emotions until Sunday. "Tomorrow, I'll be overwhelmed. Therefore, I'm leaving this place now," said Klopp, turning the camera to display his vacant office: "Here are the boxes. Ay ay ay ay. See you tomorrow."

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