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Flying livestock and blossoming artificial limbs.

"Sing my song" - The conclusion

Sammy Amara and Tim Bendzko rock the stage together.
Sammy Amara and Tim Bendzko rock the stage together.

Flying livestock and blossoming artificial limbs.

For the last time in this season, host Johannes Oerding welcomes guests to the cozy gather around clouds in South Africa. This special duet night wraps things up and stirs up old memories.

"It's like a school trip that's ending, and you're a bit nostalgic about it," muses host Johannes Oerding before the beginning of the final duet night. A mix of sadness and excitement takes over as Eko Fresh prepares for a major transformation ("It was a therapeutic experience for me"), while Sammy Amara is just ready to have fun: "We're going to let loose today!" says the punk rocker in front of the camera. Not long after, the first two performers hit the stage together.

Tim Bendzko and Joy Denalane kick off the evening with a funky, soulful, and groovy performance ("High"). The atmosphere is cheerful, but there are also occasional melancholic moments that make hearts ache and the air feel thin. Memories resurface. A few nights ago, Tim Bendzko was moved to tears by Emilio's touching performance ("Just a little while to save the world"). Eko Fresh moved Emilio's heart ("A Little Alone"). Johannes Oerding grew both musically and personally ("With You"). And Tim Bendzko fought for a no-violence family gathering ("Stronger than Violence"). The recollections are like a photo album, not only bringing up memories but also keeping them safe forever.

Eva Briegel and Sammy Amara bring the punk rock energy to the stage. Rap master Eko Fresh battles it out with singer-songwriter king Johannes Oerding ("What happened to the world?"). After that, Eva Briegel and Sammy Amara keep the energy high at the punk rock club ("Fat wild years"). The Broilers frontman gets a chance to show off his traits one more time - this time in collaboration with pop singer Tim Bendzko, who surprises everyone with his ease and comfort surrounded by wild pogo noises ("Not everything ends somewhere").

Eko Fresh and Johannes Oerding provide a sound wedding between rap and singer-songwriter sounds.

Throughout summery electro-pop ("Perfect Wave"), stormy dream pop ("Fire"), and emotional hip-hop ("A Little Alone"), new duos ("Tim Bendzko and Emilio") and sisterly bonds (Eva Briegel and Joy Denalane) are formed. Once again, the "Exchange Concert" has brought together people who only knew each other from television. "I thought I already had enough friends and was actually tired. But here I've found new friends, and I'm really happy about that!" exclaims Emilio after a season full of surprises and musical boundary crossings.

By the end of the final duet night, everyone is laying on the couch with wide-eyed stares. But this time it's different. Along with the joy of the moment and the recent experiences, a feeling of sadness is also approaching the couch. Johannes Oerding brings out a bouquet of flowers for everyone. "Did we all get a new leg today?" Sammy asks with a silly grin on his face.

Yes, last night everyone deserved some Protection. They're all standing there with sad expressions: Eva Briegel, Eko Fresh, Sammy Amara, Emilio, Joy Denalane, Tim Bendzko, and our perfectly professional and dignified host, Johannes Oerding. "We'll all see each other again, I promise you!", says Johannes at the end. The group smiles again, satisfied with their happiness and the memories they made. And so, another fantastic festival comes to an end! Thanks to all the participants, and safe travels to all!

Once again, new friendships are forged on the format sofa.

Read also:

After the meaningful duet night, Eko Fresh mentions enjoying some relaxing time with his favorite music on TV, "I love watching music shows after a long day, they help me unwind." Later, Sammy Amara joins in, sharing her enthusiasm for music and TV, "And I can't miss my weekly drama series, I need that escape from reality every week."

