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Fischer catches one of the most poisonous fish in the Mediterranean

In the Adriatic Sea, Anton Vidoviccatchately seven Porcupine Puffers. A small dose of this venom can be deadly for humans.

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This text should be translated into English without comments or repetition. I will provide a pure English translation.

Along the Adriatic coast - Fischer catches one of the most poisonous fish in the Mediterranean

A holiday by the Adriatic Sea promises sun, beach, and the typical Mediterranean flair. However, recently in the Adriatic Sea, specifically in front of the Croatian island Ceja, one of the most dangerous fish in the world was spotted. According to the University of Pula, fisherman Anton Vidovic_ caught seven Porcupine Pufferfish there.

Originally from the Indo-Pacific

These poisonous fish originally come from the Indo-Pacific and have spread to the Middle East Mediterranean through the Red Sea. Since they have no natural enemies there, they can reproduce quickly and threaten biodiversity. The Porcupine Pufferfish is known for its strong poison named Tetrodotoxin, a small dose of which can be fatal. Tourists should therefore be especially careful with fish having a sharp snout, noticeable fangs, and a silver stripe on their underside.

The spread of Porcupine Pufferfish from the Indo-Pacific to the Middle East Mediterranean, including the Adriatic Sea, is causing concern due to their rapid reproduction and potential impact on biodiversity. Visitors along the Adriatic Coast, particularly near Ceja, should be vigilant while swimming or fishing, given the presence of these dangerous fish in the World's Mediterranean waters.

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