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FIFA boss Infantino loves all countries equally

"North Korea the same as South Korea"

He loves the people, the people love him: FIFA boss Gianni
He loves the people, the people love him: FIFA boss Gianni

FIFA boss Infantino loves all countries equally

Gianni Infantino never tires of explaining his view of the world. In an interview, the association boss declares his love for all 211 FIFA member countries, accuses the West of having "double standards" and claims to be the savior of human rights.

FIFA boss Gianni Infantino has defended Saudi Arabia's controversial bid to host the World Cup and apparently makes no distinction between the member countries of soccer's world governing body. Each of the 211 FIFA member countries has the right to bid, he said. "For me as FIFA President, North Korea is the same as South Korea. America is the same as China," Infantino told the Swiss newspaper "Tagesanzeiger".

Saudi Arabia is the only bidder for the 2034 World Cup, after only candidates from Asia and Oceania had been admitted due to the awarding of the 2026 and 2030 "A venue must meet all our criteria, including human rights. The process doesn't end with the bid. It only begins then," said Infantino.

Infantino: "I am addressing grievances"

At the same time, the FIFA boss laments the "double standards of the West". "All Western heads of state are courting the country. They make deals worth billions." The Swiss believes that soccer can bring about change in the country. He is also in contact with the Saudi crown prince and de facto ruler, Mohammed Bin Salman: "I address grievances and offer help. We discuss and look for solutions together. When I became FIFA President, there was no women's soccer in Saudi Arabia. Now there is a women's league and a national team."

With regard to the commercialization of soccer, Infantino emphasized: "FIFA's income does not stay with FIFA. We reinvest all our income around the world - by the way, this is all publicly visible today. (...) Without this money, there would be no organized soccer in 100 to 150 countries, no youth soccer and no women's soccer."

Infantino is of the opinion that the world association collects relatively modest revenues: "The best leagues in the world, on the other hand, generate four or five times more revenue than FIFA. Who does this money go to? To the clubs in their own country. That's normal and also nice for the fans there, but it's not really great for the rest of the world."

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Gianni Infantino, despite criticizing the West's double standards, has continuously supported Saudi Arabia's bid to host the World Cup. He equates all FIFA member countries, including Saudi Arabia, stating, "For me as FIFA President, North Korea is the same as South Korea. America is the same as China."

In his efforts to promote soccer globally, Infantino has worked closely with Saudi Arabia's crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman, helping establish a women's league and national team in the country.




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