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Festspielhaus Bayreuth: Union and State finance restoration

The Bayreuth Festival House is counted among the most famous opera houses in the world. For its renovation, millions flow from Berlin and Munich to Franconia.

Federal and state give millions for the renovation of the Festival Hall. (Archive picture)
Federal and state give millions for the renovation of the Festival Hall. (Archive picture)

Famous opera festival - Festspielhaus Bayreuth: Union and State finance restoration

Bund and Land each provide approximately 85 million Euro for the general renovation of the Bayreuth Festival's Festspielhaus. "The Green Hill with the Festspielhaus is just as unique as the Wagner Festivals themselves: With united forces, we will enhance the Festspielhaus – our iconic monument of the Wagner Myth", shared Bavaria's Minister of Culture Markus Blume (CSU).

An agreement for the renovation should be signed on the opening day of the festival.

Preserve the original acoustics

The festival operation is expected to continue during the construction work. "There will be no large-scale overall project, but individual partial projects", explained Blume. The Bayreuth Festival House is an architectural masterpiece and unique in every respect. "It is our duty to preserve this historical building substance and the original acoustics."

Culture Minister Claudia Roth (Greens) also sees the renovation secured now. The historical and architecturally unique building is part of the overall Bayreuth Festival experience. "The Federal Government will provide funds up to 84.7 million Euro, the other half will be provided by the state of Bavaria."

Famous for its uncomfortable seats

The Festspielhaus was built according to plans and ideas by Richard Wagner (1813-1883). Nearly 150 years ago - in the year 1876 - he held the first festivals here. The house is only open for performances in the summer during the festival season. Famous for its unique acoustics - and for its relatively narrow and uncomfortable seating.

With the money from Berlin and Munich, a second renovation phase begins. During the first renovation phase some years ago, the famous facade was renovated.

  1. The general renovation of the Bayreuth Festival's Festspielhaus receives approximately 85 million Euro each from Bund and Land.
  2. Markus Blume, Bavaria's Minister of Culture, shared his excitement about enhancing the Festspielhaus, a symbol of the Wagner Myth.
  3. Blume emphasized the importance of preserving the original acoustics during the general renovation of the Festival House.
  4. The Bayreuth Festival House, operated by an operator, is an architectural masterpiece known for its historical significance and unique acoustics.
  5. Claudia Roth, Culture Minister of the Greens, agreed that the renovation secures the future of the historical and architecturally unique building.
  6. With funds from Berlin and Munich, a second renovation phase begins for the Festspielhaus, first built by Richard Wagner in 1876, famous for its unique acoustics and relatively uncomfortable seating.

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