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Fans of BVB display demonstrative sign against Rheinmetall agreement.

The alliance between BVB and Rheinmetall remains disputed. Fans of Dortmund express their discontent at the UEFA Champions League final.

BVB's deal with Rheinmetall had caused debate in the days leading up to the Champions League final
BVB's deal with Rheinmetall had caused debate in the days leading up to the Champions League final

Contentious patron - Fans of BVB display demonstrative sign against Rheinmetall agreement.

Fans of Borussia Dortmund displayed signs of protest against the controversial agreement with arms manufacturer Rheinmetall during the Champions League final on Saturday night. One banner read, "Rheinmetall: Utilizing football to maintain a clean image?"

The partnership between BVB and Rheinmetall had sparked debates leading up to the final. The three-year contract, as described by both parties, includes the utilization of large promotional areas, marketing rights, stadium and club website event and hospitality offers.

Ricken: The Rheinmetall deal was not a distraction for the team

Lars Ricken, the prospective sporting director of Dortmund, stated that the partnership was not a distraction for the team. He affirmed that there was "absolutely no diversion" prior to the Champions League final and had observed this "by latest over breakfast."

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