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Fan Merchandise for Cars at the European Football Championship: A Safe Choice

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There are no limits to creativity when it comes to fan love.
There are no limits to creativity when it comes to fan love.

Fan Merchandise for Cars at the European Football Championship: A Safe Choice

On June 14th, football takes over as the European Championship arrives, bringing with it an abundance of fan-related articles - including those for vehicle decoration. However, not all of these items are safe or legal for use on the roads.

The Mobility Club ACE and the Expert Organization GTU have tested various fan articles designed for car decoration, focusing on their traffic safety aspects while driving at speeds up to 130 km/h on a test track. The results? Not everything is ideal for speedy driving, and some items are completely unacceptable. They also suggest checking the seat and hold of all products before each journey, following the manufacturer's instructions for proper use.

🚦 Magnetic flags and flags for side doors
Magnetic flags are generally safe for high-speed driving, with the completely magnetic flags performing well during testing. However, it's important to choose an appropriate size for flags displayed on the hood. When overtaking, extra caution is required to avoid missing pedestrians or cyclists in your blind spot.

🚩 Flags for the rear side doorsThe testers emphasize that extra care needs to be taken while overtaking when using flags on the rear side doors. They remind drivers that these blind spots can pose dangers to pedestrians or cyclists.

💨 Fans and wind socks for the side windowUsing fans on the car roof isn't recommended during high-speed highway driving. While the fans stayed put at 130 km/h, the fabric of one model came loose and there were bends. The testers warn of porous mounts due to prolonged use and exposure to sunlight, resulting in potential breakage.

💨 Fan fins and mirror socksSimilarly, the use of fan fins on the car roof isn't suggested for high-speed highway driving. Although they remained in position at 130 km/h, the testers recommend using these only in urban areas. If the fins aren't straight or if there are strong side winds, they could potentially become dangerous projectiles.

🧢 Mirror socks or flags covering the outer covers of the side mirrorsThese products are ill-suited for fast driving on the highway. They sit loosely and can slip during your commute, potentially obstructing your view in the mirror. Additionally, the use of mirror socks is often legally forbidden. Many times, turn signals or other assistance systems are installed within mirrors, which mustn't be covered.

🚘 Interior DecorationsWhile decorating the car's interior with fan items is allowed, crucial areas must remain clear. The driver should have an unobstructed view of the front and rear windshields, and all attachments must be secure to ensure the side mirrors for rear-viewing aren't obscured. Caution is also important when overtaking or switching lanes.

(For more information on these tests and results, visit [LINK].)

💡 So, for my football-crazy friends who want to display their support while cruising, keep these safety recommendations in mind and enjoy the Euros! 🏆⚽️

The selection of soccer fan merchandise is huge. ACE and GTÜ subject car decorations to a

Read also:

  1. As an advisor to soccer fans planning to decorate their cars for the European Football Championship 2024, I strongly suggest avoiding wind socks or fans for the side window due to safety concerns at high speeds.
  2. During the tests of various fan articles designed for car decoration, it was found that some car mirrors coverings, such as mirror socks or flags, can obstruct the driver's view and may even be legally forbidden.
  3. Before the European Football Championship 2024 begins,, it would be worthwhile to invest in European-certified fan decorations to ensure both safety and compliance with traffic regulations while enjoying the soccer tournament.



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