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Famed pop artist declares retirement.

Pop singer G.G. Anderson plans to release his 30th studio album on June 7th. This marks the end of his 60-year career in music.

G.G. Anderson has released 30 studio albums.
G.G. Anderson has released 30 studio albums.

Anderson, G.G.: [Unknown] - Famed pop artist declares retirement.

G.G. Anderson, 74-year-old Schlager singer, has confirmed in an interview with MDR Schlagerwelt that he will be retiring from his music career. After the release of his 30th studio album, "Sieben Leben," on June 7th, Anderson will no longer be creating new songs. He expressed, "This is my last album. There won't be any more studio albums from G.G. Anderson in the future."

Anderson's career as a songwriter and producer for artists like Thomas Anders (61) and Roland Kaiser (72) will also come to an end. During his career, he has written over 1,000 songs, including hit tracks that contributed to the history of Schlager music as G.G. Anderson. However, he mentioned the possibility of continuing to perform in concerts, as he has "no other hobby besides music, and there's nothing more beautiful than being on stage."

Retirement won't change his mind

Anderson made it clear in the interview that his decision to retire is final. He doesn't plan on following in the footsteps of his colleague, Howard Carpendale (78), who has returned to performing several times after considering retirement.

Born in Eschwege, Anderson has been performing in the music industry for over 60 years. Since 1978, he has been known as G.G. Anderson. He first gained popularity in the 1980s with hit songs such as "African Baby," "Mama Lorraine," and "Am weißen Strand von San Angelo." Anderson has also collaborated with notable artists like Mireille Mathieu (77) and Rex Gildo (1936-1999). The backing band, the Wildecker Herzbuben, was formed out of his ensemble in 1989.

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