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Elizabeth Hurley discloses her skincare secrets.

Not inclined towards trendy diets.

"My preferences are pretty simple," says Elizabeth Hurley.
"My preferences are pretty simple," says Elizabeth Hurley.

Elizabeth Hurley discloses her skincare secrets.

Liz Hurley, a 58-year-old British actress and model, remains active in the entertainment industry. When it comes to diet, the actress stays clear and avoids any extreme measures. In an interview, she spoke candidly about her preferences.

Elizabeth "Liz" Hurley has a straightforward approach to her beauty routine. The renowned star doesn't delve into the world of diets or bizarre green drinks. Instead, she shared with the "Sydney Morning Herald" that her philosophy is quite simple - "I don't drink funny green juices or anything like that." She's always focused on her diet, with no tolerance for processed foods, a habit she's maintained since her teenage years.

As for any recent changes in her diet, Liz mentioned that she stopped consuming sandwiches from packages about a year ago. However, she continues to indulge in roast chicken, mashed potatoes, and various veggies. Her diet is far from extraordinary.

Regarding her fitness regime, Hurley keeps it simple and relies on gardening at home. "I don't go to the gym," she said, "but I'm very active... I don't sit around much," adding, "but I do a lot of gardening." This physical activity helps maintain her flexibility.

Liz has previously shared her secret for maintaining youthful skin - avoiding direct sunlight during the day. She once posted a photo on social media of herself sunbathing and wrote, "Waking up in Los Angeles. I only go out in the sun before 9 am and after 6 pm - or else under a big umbrella."

Has Hurley imparted her beauty wisdom onto her son Damian Hurley? The 22-year-old, a successful model and actor, seems to be persistently following in his mother's footsteps.

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