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Driving license exchange - these age groups only have two weeks left

Anyone with an old driving license must have it replaced by a new EU version by a certain date. Now, in January, another deadline is coming up.

Not only the old "rags" have to be exchanged, but also the pink driving licenses and older
Not only the old "rags" have to be exchanged, but also the pink driving licenses and older copies in cheque card

Overview of deadlines - Driving license exchange - these age groups only have two weeks left

Do you remember the old driver's license made of greenish-grey paper? Its nickname "rag" is no coincidence, because such documents really do look a bit like cleaning utensils. If you are still driving with one of these or a pink one, you should take care of exchanging it in many cases: Some of the old driving licenses are due to be exchanged soon due to an EU directive, and some are even due to be exchanged in the next few days. And - in many cases, the deadline has already expired, which can also be seen in the table below.

Currently affected are paper driving license holders born between 1965 and 1970, who must have completed the exchange by January 19, 2024. Among others, municipal authorities in Germany and the ADAC, which provides a "driving license exchange calculator" on its website where you can check exactly when it is your turn. If you miss the deadline, you risk a fine of ten euros.

Do you have a paper driver's license or a card? The deadlines depend on this

The exchange process is somewhat confusing at first glance, as there are differences between holders of paper driving licenses and those who have a driving license in cheque card format. There are also old cards. These were issued without a time limit until January 18, 2013 and must also be exchanged one by one for EU-compliant cards, the validity of which is then limited to 15 years. The last exchange deadline for these older driving licenses is January 19, 2033.

Anyone driving with such a card still has some time: the exchange period ends in several stages from January 19, 2026.

In contrast, the exchange of paper documents is in full swing. For example, you have a pink paper driving license and were born between 1965 and 1970. Then you are one of those who - as mentioned above - must have completed the exchange within the next two and a half weeks.

Uniform driving licenses throughout the EU

In 2019, the Federal Council decided on the mandatory exchange of driving licenses. This is intended to make all these documents uniform and forgery-proof in the European Union. The driving license must be exchanged at the local driving license office. The costs for this amount to around 30 euros plus postage. A biometric passport photo is also required.

Those born in the next few years can already make a note of the deadlines. Drivers born before 1953 are an exception - they have a longer deadline.

Year of birthDeadline for exchanging the driving license
Before 1953until January 19, 2033
1959 to 1964until January 19, 2023
1965 to 1970until January 19, 2024
1971 or lateruntil January 19, 2025

Anyone who has a driving license that was issued after January 1, 1999 and before 2013, i.e. that has a credit card format, must observe these deadlines.

Date of issueDeadline for exchanging the driving license
1999 to 2001until January 19, 2026
2002 to 2004until January 19, 2027
2005 to 2007until January 19, 2028
2008until January 19, 2029
2009until January 19, 2030
2010until January 19, 2031
2011until January 19, 2032
2012 until January 18, 2013until January 19, 2033

Sources: ADAC,

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