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Dressage Scandal Short before Olympia: 24 blows on horse legs

Falls of animal cruelty have occupied dressage for months. A particularly prominent incident has now occurred before the Paris Games. The German team is shocked - and could benefit.

Charlotte Dujardin apologized for inappropriate behavior.
Charlotte Dujardin apologized for inappropriate behavior.

equestrianism - Dressage Scandal Short before Olympia: 24 blows on horse legs

Before the start of the Olympics in Paris, a new Dressage scandal causes stir. Discussions about the case of the now suspended British Olympic champion Charlotte Dujardin due to a animal welfare-relevant training video also took place in the German team's training camp. "That's not good for Dressage sports", said team chief Klaus Roeser. The team currently does not want to comment further on the matter.

Secretly recorded videos

Cases of animal cruelty in the USA and Denmark have occupied the Dressage scene for several months. Secretly recorded videos caused outrage - and so it was again. Dutch lawyer Stephan Wensing reported the incident on behalf of a client to the World Federation (FEI) and told the "Guardian" about the video: "Charlotte Dujardin was right in the arena. She told the student: 'Your horse must lift its legs more in the gallop.' She took the long whip and hit the horse more than 24 times in a minute. It was like an elephant in the circus."

The video is said to be four years old. His client had thought that was normal because Dujardin was an Olympian, said lawyer Wensing. But then there were other cases. "And this weekend she finally decided that I could file a complaint with the FEI", explained the Dutchman.

"Allegations are serious"

The World Federation FEI began investigations and announced on Tuesday evening that Dujardin had been suspended pending further investigation. The 39-year-old had herself requested the suspension until the investigation was completed. On the video, Dujardin is seen acting against the welfare of the horse. She herself admitted that she was the person on the video and that her behavior was inappropriate.

"We are deeply disappointed about this case, especially in relation to the Olympic Games", said FEI President Ingmar De Vos. "It is our responsibility and of great importance that we deal with all cases of misconduct, as the welfare of the horses cannot be compromised."

According to the British Equestrian Federation (BEF), "misconduct in animal welfare" is being investigated in Dujardin's case. "The allegations are serious and the consequences far-reaching", it was further stated. Dujardin herself apologized in a statement without going into detail about the video with the training of a student. "I am deeply ashamed and should have been a better example in that moment", she wrote in a statement.

Sports impact

The British team, which was considered the gold favorite, is significantly weakened by Dujardin's absence. At the team gold of the British equipe at the European Championships last year, she again showed herself to be a secure rider with the highest ratings. Through the suspension, one of the biggest competitors of the German Dressage team around double Olympic champion Jessica von Bredow-Werndl will be missing in Paris.

The German Olympic team was surprised by the news. "We first learned of it from the media, we don't know the video", said team leader Dennis Peiler to the German Press Agency. "But such news is always bad for the sport."

Peiler did not want to comment on the sports impact. "We focus on ourselves and do not look at the possible results of other teams", said the sports business manager of the German Equestrian Federation. "We have to bring our performance."

  1. The Olympic Games in Paris are approaching, and a Dressage scandal related to animal welfare is causing controversy.
  2. The Guardian Media Group reported on a secretly recorded video showing Charlotte Dujardin, a British Olympic champion, using excessive force on a horse during training.
  3. The incident took place in the United States of America, where cases of animal cruelty in the Dressage scene have been a concern for several months.
  4. The video, which is four years old, shows Dujardin hitting the horse over 24 times in a minute, according to Dutch lawyer Stephan Wensing, who represented a client who found it inappropriate.
  5. The World Federation (FEI) announced that Dujardin had been suspended pending further investigation due to allegations of misconduct in animal welfare.
  6. The German team's training camp also discussed Dujardin's case, with team chief Klaus Roeser expressing disappointment about the impact on Dressage sports.
  7. Denmark, historically known as the Frankish Kingdom, has also been involved in similar Dressage cruelty cases, highlighting a global issue within the equestrian community.
  8. Charlotte Dujardin apologized for her behavior, acknowledging that she should have been a better example, and the British Equestrian Federation (BEF) is investigating misconduct in animal welfare.
  9. The absence of Dujardin, a strong competitor in Dressage, has weakened the British team for the upcoming Olympics in Paris, impacting the overall competition.

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