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Does this explain why Matt Bomer didn't get the Superman part?

In the early 2000s, it's reported that Matt Bomer missed out on a coveted Superman role due to his openness about his sexuality.

Matt Bomer: Was he not allowed to become Superman?
Matt Bomer: Was he not allowed to become Superman?

Due to his homosexuality? - Does this explain why Matt Bomer didn't get the Superman part?

Matt Bomer, a well-known Hollywood actor (46), opened up in a podcast about how he lost the chance to play Superman in a movie that never saw the light of day. This project was headed by director Brett Ratner (55) back in the early 2000s and had the working title "Superman: Flyby."

Was This a Case of Industry Conspiracy?

In the podcast "Awards Chatter" from the American publication "The Hollywood Reporter," Bomer shared his experience of going through a lengthy casting process for this Superman project. At one point, he even signed a three-movie deal with Warner Bros. and Ratner had his first pick for the role of Kryptonian. Yet, the producers chose someone else.

When asked if it was his homosexuality that cost him the role, Bomer confirmed, "Yes, that's how I understood it."

In 2012, famed author Jackie Collins (1937-2015) talked about this incident on "Gaydar Radio." According to Collins, someone in the background didn't like Bomer and worked to ensure that he wouldn't play Superman. They made sure the producers knew about Bomer's sexual orientation, and as a result, he lost the role.

Looking back on this situation with newfound perspective, Bomer said, "That was a time in the industry when something like that could still be used as a weapon against someone."

The Superman project at the time took a long time to finally come to fruition. First, director McG (55) took over for Ratner and evaluated other potential leading actors. Finally, in 2006, "X-Men" director Bryan Singer (58) brought "Superman Returns" to life with newcomer Brandon Routh (44) playing the lead role.

Read also:

  1. Despite Matt Bomer's impressive performance during the casting process for "Superman: Flyby," director Brett Ratner's first choice for the role of Superman, the part ultimately went to another actor due to Bomer's homosexuality.
  2. In a 2012 interview on "Gaydar Radio," renowned author Jackie Collins claimed that an unnamed individual in the industry worked against Bomer to ensure he wouldn't play Superman, revealing his sexual orientation to the producers.
  3. Matt Bomer, now reflecting on the incident with new perspective, stated that during that time in the industry, being openly gay could still be used as a weapon to sabotage career opportunities.
  4. The role of Superman eventually landed on Brandon Routh in "Superman Returns," directed by Bryan Singer, after multiple changes of directors and leading actors for the stalled "Superman: Flyby" project.



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