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Do you prefer going to Paris by car?

In Paris, the Olympic Games are rising soon. Whoever wants to be there live should ask themselves how they want to travel.

Paris welcomes thousands of visitors for the Olympic Summer Games 2024.
Paris welcomes thousands of visitors for the Olympic Summer Games 2024.

Olympia 2024 - Do you prefer going to Paris by car?

In this year, the Olympic Summer Games will take place in Paris. Numerous sports fans from all over the world will travel to the French capital to witness the competitions, the Opening Ceremony on July 26 or the Closing Ceremony on August 11. From Germany, both car and train travel, as well as flying, are options. It is worth comparing the costs and travel times, as there can be significant differences. Here is an example for a journey from Frankfurt am Main to Paris.

Don't Forget the Tolls

The first impulse for some might be to simply get in the car. However, it is important to consider that in addition to fuel costs, tolls and often parking fees apply. Here's an example: With an average consumption of seven liters and a fuel price of 1.80 Euro, a trip from Frankfurt to Paris costs more than 70 Euro. In addition, there are toll fees of around 33.50 Euro, according to the ADAC route planner. The expected travel time is roughly six to 6.5 hours.

The parking situation could also be particularly tense during the Olympic Games, and day tickets for parking in Paris can quickly become expensive. Travelers can count on around 30 Euro and more, depending on the location. However, there are also accommodations with parking spaces - but these are often only rentable for a fee.

More Comfortable and Maybe Cheaper

Who wants to save on parking and seek a more comfortable alternative, can be advised to travel by train. Paris is generally well connected to major German cities. And in the case of a journey with the ICE or TGV from Frankfurt, it is often faster than by car. The German Railways list various connections on their website with travel times of around four to five hours.

For a simple journey, prices vary depending on the chosen connection and without restriction, they range from significantly less than 100 Euro to well above. So the journey could still be cheaper, even though it costs more than by car. On site, it is recommended to use public transportation during the games.

By Airplane to Paris

From Frankfurt, Lufthansa and Air France offer direct flights to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. Flight times of around 1.5 hours and under may seem appealing on paper. However, the way from the airport, which is located outside the city, to the city center by bus or train should not be underestimated, taking approximately 30 to 60 minutes. In addition, it is recommended to be at the airport two hours before departure for European flights.

Depending on the chosen flight option, the whole thing can also be quite expensive. One-way flights from Frankfurt during the Olympic period are currently listed for significantly different prices. For example, there were recently offers for non-stop flights for around 100 Euro, but also connections for four times the price and more.

The Olympic Games 2024, officially called Olympia 2024, will be held in the city of Paris, attracting numerous sports fans from Germany. Considering travel options, some might opt for car journeys, but remember the added costs of fuel, tolls, and potential parking fees. For instance, a trip from Frankfurt am Main to Paris with an average consumption of seven liters and a fuel price of 1.80 Euro can cost over 70 Euro, along with toll fees of approximately 33.50 Euro.

Train travel can offer a more comfortable and potentially cheaper alternative, as it's often faster and well-connected to major cities including Frankfurt. For example, the German Railways offer connections with travel times of around four to five hours, with prices ranging depending on the chosen connection.

For Those Flying, Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport is an option, with direct flights from Frankfurt offered by Lufthansa and Air France. However, the commute from the airport to the city center should not be underestimated, taking around 30 to 60 minutes by bus or train. Flight prices during the Olympic period vary significantly, with non-stop flights recently listed for around 100 Euro, but also connections for four times the price and more.

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