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DFB political turmoil - filled with humor and controversy

Lauterbach publicly embarrasses himself.

Bold outfit: Markus Söder cheers on the German team.
Bold outfit: Markus Söder cheers on the German team.

DFB political turmoil - filled with humor and controversy

Political figures revel in the spotlight during the UEFA European Championship, occasionally tripping up in the limelight. While the Federal Chancellor maintains a dignified appearance, other ministers opt to Stay Away from the limelight, using words and disguises.

Olaf Scholz decided to let Markus Söder have the Germany jersey, the aviator sunglasses in Germany's colors, and the straw hat with black-red-gold band. As Bundeslabor Minister Hubertus Heil sported a vivid volunteer uniform, Chancellor Scholz kept things professional on the grand soccer stage.

Scholz celebrated on the VIP section in Stuttgart in a sharp suit and white shirt as Germany won 2-0 against Hungary. He pumped his triumphant fist, while Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stood, wet-eyed. Such moments were crafted for Scholz in Stuttgart; politicians always try to leverage the attention surrounding such a soccer extravaganza for their own gain. And they often find themselves unintentionally in the spotlight.

Slip-up from the Health Minister

Karl Lauterbach aimed to join in the fun on social media with a Germany jersey and a comment on a header by Florian Wirtz in extra time. "Goal scored by header from Florian Wirtz in extra time," the Health Minister from the SPD thought. However, he swiftly corrected his error after initial criticism. It was a harmless mistake, as it is known that this is not the case during the group stage.

Bundestag Vice President Katrin Göring-Eckart caused quite the commotion. "This team is really great. Imagine if there were only white German players," wrote the Green politician after the game on X. A wave of outrage swept over her because she, apparently referring to an ARD survey before the EM, seemed to be commenting on the skin color of the national players.

Göring-Eckart quickly deleted the tweet and stated: "I apologize for my poorly chosen words. I was exhilarated that 21% of Germans prefer more 'Whites' in the national team. I am proud of this team and wish we could convince the 21% as well."

Söder calls for Summer Tale 2.0

The German politics is undoubtedly in soccer fever: Interior Minister Nancy Faeser attended a cabinet meeting wearing a Germany jersey, Foreign Minister Robert Habeck was seen en route to "South Korea and China" in the DFB shirt and thumbs-upped. And Söder called for Summer Tale 2.0 in the ZDF TV show "Markus Lanz". "In 2006, Germany said: 'Oops, one can also support Germany.' That was a flop," said the Bavarian Minister-President. This time, people are simply pleased, "without going overboard."

And of course, Söder used soccer to deliver his political messages to the public. What position the Federal Chancellor would hold in the national team was asked of him in the ZDF. "Olaf Scholz, I believe, would have stayed at home," said Söder: "He wouldn't have said anything if Nagelsmann had called." But up on the VIP section, Scholz made a good impression while cheering.

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