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Deflected at the sidelines: Bastian Schweinsteiger causes curious scene with moderator Alexander Bommes

As an expert, Bastian Schweinsteiger should comment on the UEFA European Football Championship. In some moments, he would rather be on the field with the players. This led to an unusual TV scene now.

Alexander Bommes (l.) and Bastian Schweinsteiger at the EURO semi-final Netherlands against England
Alexander Bommes (l.) and Bastian Schweinsteiger at the EURO semi-final Netherlands against England

Semifinals - Deflected at the sidelines: Bastian Schweinsteiger causes curious scene with moderator Alexander Bommes

As captain, Bastian Schweinsteiger led Germany's national soccer team to the World Cup title in 2014. However, his appearances as a TV expert for ARD are not quite as sovereign. During the current European championship, Schweinsteiger already provided some curious moments. One scene in particular comes to mind, during the Switzerland vs. Germany group stage match, when he spoke into a coffee mug instead of the microphone. Before the Netherlands vs. England game, another amusing moment occurred. What happened?

After a pre-recorded segment, the production switched back to Schweinsteiger and Alexander Bommes. But the ARD moderator was suddenly alone on the sidelines. Schweinsteiger was only visible from behind, as he first greeted the Dutch player Matthijs de Ligt and then had a long conversation with defender Daley Blind. Schweinsteiger and Blind played together for two years at Manchester United – they know and respect each other.

Bommes tried to play along with the situation humorously. "I've lost my expert, but that's perfectly fine. Let's continue on our own," he said and looked in the direction of Schweinsteiger. But the latter was so engrossed in the conversation that he didn't even notice that he was back on live television. "Hey, I was just playing with you. I already answered the question for you," commented Bommes and attempted a bizarre theater piece.

Alexander Bommes "plays" Bastian Schweinsteiger

He switched sides and mimicked Schweinsteiger with an altered voice: "Yeah, good, the Spanish are definitely a top team. Just like how they played against the Germans. That was really impressive – especially with the claw." Next, he asked: "Do you think the Spanish ended Thomas Muller's career?" He answered as the fictional Schweinsteiger himself: "Yeah, I can imagine that."

The role-playing lasted for approximately 35 seconds, until the "real" Schweinsteiger finally appeared in front of the camera again. "Ahhh, there you are! I was playing with you. I already answered the question for you." Schweinsteiger apologized with a grin.

Later, in conversation with Bommes, he revealed that he didn't recognize singer Adele, who was watching the English team as a fan in the stadium. She had changed so much. Even though Bastian Schweinsteiger as a TV expert splits the soccer world with his little anecdotes and performances, these amusing moments should have made some people smile. His next appearance is scheduled for the upcoming Sunday: at the EM final.

Source: Sportschau

  1. During the pre-match analysis before the Netherlands versus England game in the European Championship, ARD moderator Alexander Bommes found himself unexpectedly alone on the sidelines while Stefan Schweinsteiger had a lengthy conversation with Daley Blind, his former teammate at Manchester United.
  2. The Netherlands and England game in the European Championship featured a humorous incident involving Stefan Schweinsteiger, as ARD moderator Alexander Bommes played along with Schweinsteiger's lack of awareness of being on live television, even engaging in role-playing as Schweinsteiger while he was still missing from the frame.
  3. As part of his duties as a TV expert for ARD during the European Championship, Stefan Schweinsteiger had a memorable interaction with Alexander Bommes, his co-host, during the Netherlands versus England match, where Bommes impersonated Schweinsteiger and they engaged in an amusing role-playing segment.

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